Silas x Reader: Since Childhood

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Silas and (y/n) had been friends for as long as anyone could remember. When they were about four years old, Silas would 'sneak' into (y/n)'s chambers and snuggle next to her in bed because he wanted to make sure that she'd sleep alright. She would wake up and curl tightly into him. When they were seven years old, (y/n) would collect butterflies and birds, anything that made their way to the castle, and would showcase them to Silas. He had already seen these animals a thousand times, but seeing the young princesses face light up like that, he felt the same joy which she did. And on the awful day, when they were just nine years old, guards had caught Silas sneaking the princess over a garden wall to feast upon the outside world; but the guards took Silas away for such a crime.

Now, Silas had come back, and the two were as tightly bound as ever.


"Silas?" (Y/N) called out quickly, sitting up in her bed. It had previously been dead silent, but the princess had awoken to the sound of footsteps on the way to her door. And then she had heard a tentative knock on the wooden door. It had to be him, who else would it be?

"Milady, may I come in?" Silas asked through the door, when he spoke, he used his best prideful knight voice. The princess let out a small laugh, he was acting far too stiff for her liking.

Clearing her throat, she replied, "Yes you can. You're always welcome here."

She watched as the door slowly opened, and Silas peered into the room before stepping inside. He looked at (y/n) and blushed lightly as the sight of her. She wore a transparent slip with white lingerie visible underneath, and her hair fell in a tangled but lovely way, framing her face.

She smiled warmly when she saw him, he wore a pair of blue button up pajamas and pink slippers. "It's a silly set of pajamas I know." He mumbled, averting his eyes while laughing.

"I think they're cute. Did you want to talk about something?" The princess asked, propping herself up with his elbows.

Silas shook his head. "Not really... I guess I just wanted to talk to you."

Seeing him awkwardly standing by the door made the princess have an urge to be near him, like they were as young kids. "Silas, come here and sleep next to me." She said with that same warm smile on her face. She pulled down half of the blanket, motioning for him to come and sleep.

"Princess (y/n), are you sure?" He asks, surprised. He quickly covers his face with his hand, trying to conceal how red it is. "We're not little kids anymore..." He adds on to the rest of his sentence.

(Y/N) sighs and says, "It won't be weird. I'd love to have a dear friend of mine at my side in sleep. A knight isn't just a defender on the battlefield, but also a protector in life."

Silas lets out a breath, and agrees. "Okay, but I won't get any closer then I need to."


Silas lay beside the princess as she drifted off to sleep. He thought she was finally at rest, so he began to scoot away. Before he could do so, in her sleep she rolled towards Silas and clutched onto the collar of his pajama shirt. He could feel himself heating up, but he didn't move her small hands off of him.

"Silas... You need to..." (Y/N) mumbled quietly. Silas froze, but quickly realized she was sleep talking. He would have been polite and stopped listening, but her sentences became more and more understandable.

"Silas, please don't go... I wanna see the world... With you... Please don't kill him... He's my best friend... Silas... I need you..." She mutters in her sleep, tightly grasping on Silas. Even in her sleep, it sounds as if she's about to cry.

In his heart, Silas begins to heat up. She's dreaming about that memory again, the one where he was taken away. The only reason that he is still alive today is because of (y/n) convincing the guards not to murder him. She must have been really upset about it, to dream about it... That makes it a tough memory to have. He wondered if he should wake her up, he wondered what he could do so that the awful memory would stop. The poor girl... She has the weight of the world on her shoulders, as she was the unofficial leader of an entire army, had to choose between her families, and still, her dreams were equally as scary, and every day she has to be the positive, driving force of the entire army, the entire land, she has to forge peace despite all of her worries and troubles.

Not sure what to do to calm her, he tries one thing. He scoots himself closer to her, and then, slowly wraps his arm around her, and pulls her close to him. He is beyond embarrassed now, he doesn't know what he'll say when she wakes up, but he accepts it as soon as he feels her heart beat grow slower than the agitated quick pace of a few moments ago. Silas lets out a sigh, then places his hand on the top of her head. Soon, he's about to fall asleep, when he suddenly hears her speak again.

"Silas? You stayed with me... Thank you..." (y/n) whispers, half-asleep. Her red eyes meet Silas's green ones, her cheeks flush light pink. His mouth hangs open, but he smiles, blushing heavily. Before he can say anything else, the princess, in her half-asleep daze, leans up and delicately places her lips on Silas's cheek, her lips are very soft on his skin. She lets her lips linger, and then pulls away. She snuggles into him even closer, she can feel him heating up even more. Silas is even redder than he thought he could be, but still, he reaches around her, and hugs her tightly to his chest. Her breathing soon syncs up with his, and before he knows it, he finds himself being held just as tightly by her.

Before he finally dozes off into sleep, he thinks about the kiss she laid on his cheek. Just thinking about it causes his face to heat up, his heart to quicken. He'd always thought of her as a dear friend since the beginning, but now... He'd come to realize that he'd been seeing her as... A possible partner in life. He tried to shake this feeling from his head, but he simply couldn't. With her hugging him so tightly, it was hard to imagine a life without her, and before he could stop himself, he began to imagine a life where she really was the princess of his life, not as a friend, but as lover. 

Finally, he opened his eyes once more, and looked at her face. Her eyes were closed lightly, and, in her sleep, he saw a tiny smile on her lips.



Jakob walked into the room, holding a tray of cookies and tea. He nearly dropped the tray when he saw Lady (y/n), not alone in her bed. He hurriedly set the tray down and looked over at who was in bed beside her. "Silas?" He muttered, his eyes widening. His eyes traveled down to their bodies, they were clutching onto each other ever so tightly, Silas's hand on the back of Lady (y/n)'s head and her face pressed into his chest. "That do-gooder wasn't so good if he's going to be slipping into my Lady's room in the middle of the night to do... Unspeakable things." He whispered to himself. Then he took a breath in and called for (y/n) to awaken.

The princess immediately sat up, causing Silas to open his eyes in a daze. "Jakob! Why are you here so early?" She exclaimed, blushing lightly but she didn't seem angry. Silas, on the other hand, seemed incredibly embarrassed as he quickly got up and untangled his limbs from the princess's. "Why would you let a man into your room and do this?" Jakob inquired, obviously holding back his distaste in his Lady's presence. 

"We-We didn't do anything!" Silas exclaimed, his face turning beet red. He hurriedly got up and ran out the door. Despite everything he had seen in war, Jakob's anger was worse than any monster. Jakob and (y/n) watched as he left. 

"Seriously Jakob. Nothing happened." The princess explained, a soft look on her face.

Jakob scoffed, but sighed. "I'll trust your word, milady." With that, he turned towards the door, about to walk through it, but (y/n) stopped him.

"Jakob. Put your daggers away, he really meant no harm. I can tell you're about to give him a 'stern talking to.'" The princess laughed at Jakob's advances towards the door.

"Milady, you know me too well. If you insist, I won't hunt down this... Partner of yours."

"I didn't say he was my partner!"

"Oh, I should learn to hold my tongue. But, clearly, it seems that way judging by your reaction." 

(Y/n) fumed quietly at his words, a heavy blush on her face. She sighed and got dressed once Jakob left the room. She wondered if kissing Silas's cheek was just a dream or not. In her heart, she hoped it was real. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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