A New Life

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Authors Note.

This is my first Fanfiction story. No it's not my first story. After watching all three seasons of Rwby, I wonder want it's like to live in there world. I know everyone says this. And so this is my life in a different world. This story off with my character. I will change the second and third season to how I would like to see then. After that the store will be of my own style. My teammates are all based off real people. They are my three best friends. I will not say there names but if you guys are reading this you will know who you are and if not then oh well. I do not own rwby that title will always go to Montey Oum may his soul rest in piece. I only own my character and my friends own there's.


I slowly walked down the shoreline only to see a beautiful view. The sun was slowly setting and all that was shown, was a beautiful array of colors mixed together. Blue with red, Orange with pink and yellow with purple. What came next was hell to me. Aloud ring was spread there the air. At first I didn't notice it but after a few minutes it got louder and only continued to get louder. It got to the point that I could not bear it anymore. And at that point I woke up from my dream.

I looked at my stupid clock only to find that I had ten minutes to get and then fifteen minutes to get to the airship.

Forth Wall Break
"Sorry to break the fourth wall here but I didn't introduced myself. My name is Dylan Alex Infinite. I an 18 years old. I have midnight blue hair and yes it is natural not dyed. I have light brown with a little bit of blue for my eyes and yes again, they are real. Oh. I almost forgot. I'm a wolf faunus, and yes I have wolf ears and yes they look like a cat ears but I can tell you that I know I'm a wolf faunus. How can I tell????? I have wolf teeth. They are sharp and yes they are real too. I think that is all, so let me go on with the store."
End of Wall Break

"Dam it. Dam it. Stupid alarm going off twenty minutes later." I said as I quick grabbed my clothes which consist of a black t-shirt with my symbol on it, a plain dark blue sweater which is rolled up to my elbows, a custom made dark gray sleeveless jean jacket that as a holster  for my weapons, slim dark blue jean pants, and my favorite shoes ever, my all black converses and a pair of all black fingerless gloves.

I ran past my sisters room only to find that they had already left. "Dam Kylie and Kara left early, and they forgot to wake me up. Dam sisters." I said as I continued, to ran into the shower. As I quickly ran through to which I felt way more refreshed. After I throw on my clothes real quick. To which I found that I only to find that if had three minutes left. A peanut-butter sandwich, an apple, and a bottle of water later I was ready to leave. It was only after I walked out of my house that I remember my gear and my weapons. After strapping my weapons to my back, I ran like there was no tomorrow to the airship.

Second Forth Wall Break
"Sorry to interrupt the story again but I forgot to talk about my weapon. My weapon is a duel bladed revolver named Love and Death. It has four different modes: the first is simple, l it's gun mode, the second is that they both turn into duel short swords that can still fire rounds, the third is that I connect both short swords which makes my double bladed reverse staff, and the last mode is that I connect the gun at there sight and it turns into a double bladed two handed sword. That is my awesome weapon. Start the story once more."
End of Wall Break

As I finally made it to the ship I found that I barely made it with two minutes to spare. "Let me see your ID." The  guard said in a very intimating voice. "OK...... Let ...... me ....... just ........get ........ it out" I said almost out of breath.

I slowly walked into the ship as I tries to catch my breath once more. I finally found a spot to relax, it was in the back of it and I quickly looked around the airship only to see a lot of different kinds of people. I first saw a black haired girl who looked 15 talking to an older girl with a big and really nice rack. I don't really pay attention to what they were saying. I continued to look as I saw a white haired girl who looks like a Weiss Schnee taking to a beautiful girl with red hair. If that girl was Weiss then I'm gonna have one hell of a year. I finally saw the last pair of different types of people, they are a boy with long  black hair with a little bit of pink in his bangs talking to a very energetic orange haired girl who was way to happy for my taste. After that. I simply wait until we got to beacon.

During the trip I heard that the white fang was the cause of another bombing. I always hated the white fang. They had so much potential do to some good but like everything that had to end, and they turned the violence. An then some teacher named goodwitch welcomed us to beacon, after that I fell asleep. To which I didn't get any because of the guy that throw up.

After that, it was only minutes until we were at beacon. So I did the next best time in wasting time listen to my music. I got my mp3 and started listening to a song one of my friends told me about, it was called "I may fall". I don't know who made it but I loved the song. After a few more songs the ship landed and the doors opened to beacon academy.

Hey, I'm super happy that I finally finished this chapter. I hope you guys like this story. I will indeed continue this story until the ever end. I'm sorry  to say this but I have given up on the other ones. I might just redo them or just delete them altogether. Well hope you guys have a good day and I hope you like this story.
Bye :P

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