Wards and The Knight Bus

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~I can feel the gayness intensifying slightly, the gay train will arrive soon~

Draco was making his way to 12 Grimauld Place. Since he wasn't able to ask for directions, he had to use a muggle map to find Grimauld place, then walked all the way until he saw the building numbers go from 11 to 13. He found the Black Manor. The apartment looking home soon emerged when he stepped on the lawn. It was as if the house could tell that he was a Black. He could feel the wards surrounding the home, but he had prepared heavily to make an entrance small enough where he could sneak in without being detected. Once he was inside, it felt like a dementor lived in the house. It was so dark, and cold, and there was no signs of life. Except of course, the house elf that popped up in front of him. The elf greeted roughly, "Who are you?" in a very rude tone for a house elf.

"Don't tell anyone I am here, but I'm Draco Black. I'm going to live here for a bit with someone else. Do not utter a word to anyone that there is someone in the house. Understood?" Draco said firmly. The elf just replied, "Yeah, yeah. Oh how my Mistress would treat Kreacher for filth living in her home. Mudbloods and blood traitors everywhere." Draco lashed out, "I am a pureblood for you information, and I'm a Black, so you will treat me as such!" This moment seemed to mellow Kreacher out a bit. He somewhat nicely replied, "Sorry for the misinterpretation. I will make tea." And with a crack, he was gone.

Draco walked all over the house, assessing the rooms, window, and entrances. It would take a day to do each floor, and there were 3, so 3 days aught to be enough. He immediately started laying out his books and started looking at the different types of wards he would have to put on the house.

Harry seemed to have gotten home just in time, since as soon as he was finished dressing out of his clothes, Aunt Petunia started unlocking the locks to let him continue his chores for the day. Thank Merlin he wasn't aloud to work when they had naps, they didn't want to be disturbed. Although this usually meant he'd be cleaning until 2am. Tired, yet happy, he started his chores. And he surprisingly didn't mess anything up, to Uncle Vernon's dismay. When he finished, he went up stairs to his room, and started writing a letter to Draco.

Dear Draco,

I hope you got to the house safely. I have a list of everyone who is allowed into the house.

Only let in:

Hermione Granger

Ron Weasley

Draco Black

Harry Potter

Fred Weasley

George Weasley

Authur Weasley

Molly Weasley

Ginny Weasley

Neville Longbottom

Luna Lovegood

Remus Lupin

Nymphadora Tonks

and Alaster Moody

Please make sure that everyone who is not on that list, cannot enter the house unless I add them down the road. And maybe see if you can make the floo do the same thing.

Thank you,


P.S. The Dursleys address is 4 Privet Drive. Little Whinging, Surrey.

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