CM Punk #2 <3

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Saved by a Punk~

"Run Jeff!! Run for our lives!!!!!!" Jadyn yelled as her and her rainbow haired best friend flew thru the hallways of the LAX arena. Jeff jolted forward a little bit as he started going faster quickly catching up to Jadyn who grabbed onto his hand as they both leaped over a cart of supplies. Kofi Kingston almost didn't make it to the wall in time before Jeff and Jadyn came barreling past him. Jadyn's stomach was beginning to hurt and her left leg was cramping up some but still she didn't dare slow down.  

She and Jeff's hands were still together as they continued to dodge superstars and randomly placed objects that were everywhere it seemed. The arena hadn't been this crowded since Wrestlemania but that could work in their favor. After all with the halls being so full and crowded that meant that it would be harder for him to get thru as well and end the careers and most likely the lives of the Charismatic Enigma and the Angel of Death. They sped around another corner narrowly avoiding crashing into Maria and Candice who screamed in surprise. 

"Sorry!" Jeff called over his shoulder. 

"We need to find a place to hide and fast! I can't take much more of this Jeffy!" Jadyn gasped out and Jeff nodded. 

"Door! On your right" he said hoping that they both made it out of this alive and preferably with their bodies still intact. Jadyn swerved and bumped into Jeff almost making him trip over his own feet. 

"That's your left! Other way!" if the situation hadn't been so dire Jadyn would've busted out laughing at that but there was no time for laughing. Only running and hiding. Jeff grabbed the door knob and turned but nothing happened. He desperately pounded on the door but still nothing. 

"It's locked! Damnit!" he said in between punches and the occasional kick. 

"Jeffy! Dear God Jeff! Stop it! The door ain't gunna magically unlock if you assault it!" Jadyn told him knowing that they had to keep running to a different destination. Jeff stopped attacking the door and once again they were off. 

"This is crazy! Who knew he would be that psychotic about the whole thing?" Jeff said as he leaped again over another cart.  

"Well-" Jadyn said slightly breathy dodging Randy Orton and Edge who looked rather confused, "At least we know that there is another person in the world that loves skittles more then you do!" Jeff rolled his eyes. 

"Oh great! That's just what I needed to know to make my candy loving experience complete!" he said sarcastically. The next door they tried was locked just like the first so they had to keep on running both of them losing some more energy. A crash sounded from not that far behind them signaling that he was indeed still out to kill them. Jadyn grabbed onto Jeff's arm and tried another door which luckily was unlocked. She quickly pulled him inside and shut the door behind them collapsing onto the wall with him right next to her. Both were silent until they heard his pounding footsteps run past the door, and then Jadyn let out a breath that she didn't even know she had been holding. 

"Well" Jeff said in a fake cheerful voice. "That was exciting and may I just say that I am never ever gunna go along with any more of your ideas ever again! I am a risk taker but you are to extreme even for me my dear." Jadyn stared at him her mouth falling open. What? He didn't just- 

"Excuse me Jeffrey Nero Hardy? I believe that this little idea was all yours! Who was it that said he was gunna die if he didn't have any skittles soon? Huh? Yeah it wasn't me buddy! So don't even think of blaming this adventure to taste the rainbow from hell on me!" After that they started to argue with one another like always without realizing that their fighting had disturbed someone else that was also in the room. Jeff had his back to the rest of the room while Jadyn was up against the door. Her eyes went wide when she noticed that they weren't as alone as she'd originally thought they were. 

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