Crappy Japanese

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Anime: Hetalia
Ship: America x Japan
Genre: Human AU
Word count: 460

   Alfred absolutely loved Tokyo; the sights, the smells, and all of the anime memorabilia. That's why, he was so happy when his family moved there.

   You see, Alfred's dad was in the military, so he was no stranger to moving around a lot. He had to learn many languages if he wanted to adapt. He knew French, Italian, German, and of course, English. But never in his mind did he think about learning Japanese. Which was truly surprising beings he was such an anime nerd. Many things went through his head, but one thing stood out, 'I'm fucking screwed'.


    He started school a few days after arriving and boy was he a nervous wreck. What If he had to introduce himself? Or if some random person just starts talking to him?! He didn't want to seem like an idiot!

Fixing his tie, he entered is first period class, which just so happened to be advanced math (I imagine him being smart, okay?) he sat in the back of the class hoping he wouldn't be noticed by the teacher, which failed miserably.

   The teacher walked in and started talking, Alfred got some of it, but not all. He sighed hoping that the teacher wouldn't notice him until said man gestured for Alfred to come to the front of the classroom.

"Jiko shōkai o shite kudasai" (please introduce yourself) The teacher said looking at Alfred who had wide eyes.

'Okay Alfred, don't fuck it up. I'm guessing he told me to introduce myself, so let's do this! You practiced this last night!!'


He took a breathe, "Watashinonamaeha Arufureddo F jōnzudesu. Watashi wa Itaria ni sunde, watashitachi wa koko ni idō shimashita." (My name is Alfred · F · Jones . I lived in Italy , we have been moved here .)

The class laughed a bit but the teacher hushed them, sending Alfred to his seat.


   After school he was at his small locker, taking his indoor shoes of and replacing the with his black converse.

  All throughout the day people have been giving him unpleasant looks and all he wanted to do was go home. Thank god none of his teachers gave him homework..yet.

Before he went through the steal front doors, a smaller boy approached him. 'Isn't he in my first class? Oh great." The boy bowed catching his breathe, "Gomen! My name is Honda Kiku, Aren't you Jones-San?" He asked making Alfred nod. "Well, I saw happened this morning and I wanted to now if you wanted lessons. On Japanese?"

"That would be great, thank you!" Alfred hugged the boy, earning a few stares. He let go and immediately apologised. Kiku just waved him off before whispering "don't do it again"

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