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A tast of my new book.

 Junica is an anorexic girl in year 11 of High School. The thought of food makes her stomach turn and despite the fact she’s already stick thin, all the mirror shows her is fat upon fat, taunting her, singing a tune of disgust.

“Juna, do you want a bite?” my friend asks, waving a burger in my face. The smell wafts up to my nostrils.

“No, no, Its fine, I have an apple.”

Lilly shrugs, “Ok…”

I stand from the seat in which we were perched. “I have to go. I’ll see you in class.”

I hurry away before she calls. The smell of that burger… If I even had a bite I know after would the only feeling in which would become me was that of disgust. I hurry to the bathroom in time for the half a piece of toast I ate at breakfast to come up. The aroma of fat just turned my stomach.

I wipe my mouth and spit one last time before shoving some gum into my mouth. I’m so disgusting. That piece of toast will go straight to my obese body.

I get up off the filthy ground and flush the toilet. As I wash my hands and wipe my mouth, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Fat.

I generally don’t eat and vomit, but this morning I had no choice but to eat so Lilly did not get suspicious. One good thing about not living at home is how easy it is to not to consume food. Its also good because I know my parents would be ashamed at my protruding body.

I pat my face with a paper towel and dry my hands. As I exit the bathroom and turn a corner I’m startled when a nervous looking boy bumps me, his eyes are blood shot and he seems very closed to the world. “S-sorry. Bye.”

He practically runs away. Weird. I shrug and collect my fallen books. 

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