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The girls have been in the car for ten minutes, McDonald's is about 15 minutes from Taylor's house, so the girls have been catching up and singing along to some of the favourite songs that they always sing when they are together. Both girls love a good old Disney song so when under the sea comes on they both stop there convocation and sing along.

Taylor's POV:

Now Brooklyn has mentioned a McDonald's I really fancy nuggets. There is nothing more I love than being in the car with Brooklyn with the windows down sun shining and music Loud! The amount of funny looks we get is hilarious. We couldn't care tho, as long as we are enjoying ourselves that's all that matters. Brooklyn is acting funny there is something suspicious going on but that is probably just Brooklyn overthinking something. She is a right stubborn b*tch when she in a bad mood, she won't talk to anyone so it makes it hard to be able to help cos she won't tell you unless you keep on at her. MCDONALDS!
"What do you want Tay? My treat" brook turned to me lifting her shades
"You don't have to I'll get them brook" I hate when people pay for things for me. It makes me sound so rude but I feel bad.
"Tell me what you want women I am buying end off" Brooklyn can be serious when she wants to be.
"Okay Okay I will have a nugget meal please with a vanilla shake" I have to give in because I know she won't order if I don't agree and we will end up having a massive dispute about it and I am hungry so I just want to eat the Maccies. Brooklyn got me into a vanilla milkshake I used to take the piss out of her for having them cos I thought it was just like drinking ice cream till I actually tried it and now I am obsessed, it's my go to milkshake from McDonald's.

We pulled up in a parking bay to eat our McDonald's, however eating our McDonald's took a sear in the back burner as we had a bit of a carpool karaoke. Still can't believe Brooklyn has only been here a few hours and I already feel like she has been here the whole time. Can't wait till we go to bora bora for her birthday it's go into be so good to go away together and explore.  I jump out the car to put the rubbish in the bin and when I get back in Brooklyn is searching something up on google maps, I can't see what she is looking up but I can see the map on her phone, I seriously have no clue what is actually going on.

The girls have just left McDonald's and are making their way to Ireland, they are on route to Pembroke in Wales to catch the ferry to Ireland roselare. Brooklyn knows this is going to be a long journey but is willing to drive, to give Taylor the chance to visit some were she has always dreamed of visiting.

Brooklyn's POV:

Taylor has been questioning me all day about why we hadn't gone home so I decided to keep the surprise going for longer. Taylor has a friend called Kieran who lives in Wales she met him at uni, she hasn't seen him since he went back home for the summer , So I have told her we are going to see him, as its her birthday and they haven't seen each other in ages. It was a little white lie but not all a lie because when we leave Ireland we are stopping at his on the way home so that we break up the journey into two. This makes it so much better for me as it won't take half as long to get home from Wales as it does from Ireland.
we have arrived at the port where we get on our ferry to Ireland I figured now is the time to actually tell Taylor what is happening as she is looking pretty clueless right now.
"ERM... Tay I may have told you a little white lie, but it's not all a lie I promise, we are going to see Kieran just not today. In a weeks time. You birthday treat from me is actually taking place in Ireland. I know you have always wanted to visit so what better way to spend your eighteenth birthday than in the place you have always dreamed of visiting. So I hope you are ready to actually spend a week with me in this car and hotels as we are going to see so much of Ireland in such little time " I look at Tay hoping she approves of what I have done I am so waiting to get hit because I kept it from her.
"ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?" I actually think my left ear has gone slightly deaf I didn't think Tay would get this excited over me planning a trip.
"BROOKLYN THIS IS WHY YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND YOU ARE AND IDIOT FOR KEEPING THIS FROM ME BUT I THINK I CAN FORGIVE YOU" well let's just say I am pretty glad Tay has said she can forgive me otherwise this trip could have been awkward.
"Wait Brooklyn I don't have any clothes! Woah I have a lot to say in such little time" I look at Tay as if to say ohh trust me I have this all sorted there is nothing I haven't got in this car.
As we pull into our space on the ferry we turn off the engine and get out the car to stretch our legs and have a toilet break, this is a three hour journey so I think we are going to find something that we can eat and sit down that isn't in the cramped car.

A/N okay the wait is over, there is going to be a change up in POV in the next chapter thank you for reading hope you are enjoying the story so far. - Lucy X


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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