Lights Out

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Marinette was Ladybug.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The sweet, caring girl from school, the girl with a heart of gold and determination like no other. The girl who stumbled on her words when he was near... was his beloved Ladybug.

He let himself have a moment's respite and allowed his heart to swell at the revelation.

He let out the breath he was holding and reached out with a trembling hand, running his gloved fingers down the side of her face, gently caressing her cheek with a thumb. He was suddenly very aware of the quickening heartbeat in his ears.

Marinette was Ladybug.

His fingers traveled further up, carefully brushing her bangs away from her eyes. Her hair was sticky with blood, and his eyes passed over every contour on her face as if it was the first time he saw her. His breath faltered.

Marinette was Ladybug.

She had been so close to him all this time. Sat behind him in class, worked on projects with him, hung out with him...

And now here she was, lying flush against him and bleeding. A lot.

Blood. Staining her face. And shirt. And arms. And...

A sudden jolt traveled through his spine at the sight of the blood coating his chest, breaking his stupor, yanking him back to reality. He was suddenly very aware that he was trembling and that there was a sting in his eyes. He shuddered and pulled Marinette against his chest, as if that alone kept her tethered to life.

"Oh god, M-Marinette..." he choked out, holding her as he rocked slightly, "Open your eyes, please...Wake up..."

He caused this. His negligence caused this. He hurt his classmate. His friend. His partner.

His partner.

His chest constricted painfully.

This is my fault... This is my fault...

"Chat Noir... "

The small voice broke through his mental tirade and he paused. Was that...? Did Marinette just...?

He looked down at her. Her eyes were still closed. Her lips were slightly parted but they were pale and unmoving, barely drawing breath...

"Chat Noir... here... "

There it was again. A small, high pitched voice coming from underneath Marinette. He looked around her head and he saw her. A small, red creature slumped on the ground, looking so weak and beat-up that she was barely able to turn her head up to look at Chat.

He reached down with a hand, gently taking the little Kwami in his hands and lifting her up. She was in really bad shape.


"Tikki..." the Kwami said, leaning against his fingers with trembling paws, "I'm Ladybug's Kwami..."

"Ladybug's Kwami..." he repeated, as if in a trance.

"Chat, she needs help... " Tikki said between exhausted breaths, her tone urgent, desperate. "She is hurt really bad. Please..." Chat could see the little Kwami was fading, using sheer willpower alone to keep herself awake.

"Don't let them take her Miraculous..." Tikki said, "Please, save her ..."

"What can I do?" Chat asked desperately.

Tikki's eyelids were slowly drooping. "Outside...go..." But as soon as the last word left her lips, she collapsed on his palm.

He gave a sharp intake of breath. Of course. There were ambulances outside. He could pass her as an injured civilian. He could save her yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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