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Im on my bed ,not thinking of anything just staring at the ceiling. It's a holiday so I have nothing to do. I stay on bed for an extra 2 hours. my sisters will be coming to town in a couple of weeks,I thought to myself. I'm happy about that,I mean I don't love them or anything But I miss them. I miss having people around.

I sat up on my bed and lifted my phone that was laying beside me. I looked at the messages I received and surprisingly there is a message from an actual person. Hmm it's from chanyeol,so I open it and it says (hiiiiii!!!!!!....... How are you doin, can I see you, okay can you come at the same cafe we met in,at like seven if that's okay. I wanna talk to you,it's nothing important Just wanna talk to you.....byeeeeee )

Okay that was sudden,I don't know if I wanna go, I mean I'm comfortable in my bed. I guess I need to go, aaaaahhhhgggg.

Miserably getting of my bed I grab a big skyblue sweater and wear it over my shirt and Black leggings. I wore my light brown sandals and left the house . It was only five and a half so I went to the park I always go to. It was cloudy and kind off a cold breeze,I love cold weather because you just feel cold nothing else. I walked towards a bench and sat down not wanting to walk...I'm too lazy to even walk, But a walk from now and then is something I do.

I took out my phone and started to listen to some EXO  music that I downloaded, unfortunately now I need to praise him for how good their music is ,closing my eyes I drifted to dreamland.

So peacefully I opened my eyes and stretched my arms,I even yawned a little bit and ofcourse being me it took a wile to figure out what was going on, and like someone threw a rock at my face it hit me so hard. I looked at the time and it was seven and fourty five minutes i got up and ran as fast as I can. I honestly didn't know I could run like this. I hate my self it's so careless of me,the wind is now more than before.

The second I arrived I saw chanyeol closing the door behind him wanting to leave , But then he turned around and looked me in the eyes. He looked shocked for a second more than ditched, so I figured it was How I looked. Probably like a half eaten pineapple.

Chan:you look cold (gosh I'm freezing not just cold)his face was blank

Rose:Oh no,no no, I'm not cold I'm actually very very warm, what about you, are you cold?

He slightly glared at me so I decided to look down.

Chan:so.....are you gonna explain,or should I leave?

Rose:Oh, please no......don't get this wrong. I left the house at like four and I thought that it was too early so I went to the park and unintentionally fell asleep..... on the bench.....and once I woke up it was like seven thirty already,and believe me I ran so fast,man.... I though I was gonna fly...But I'm still sorry for being careless and I will not repeat this again.....actually I probably will ,But don't take it personally

Chan:OK... that is the most I have heard you speak and the fastest.....and,it's okay I accept your apology But it's still not too late if you wanna do something.

Rose:then let's go...what?
He was staring at me with a half smirk. He's too adorable I swear....he came closer to me and I was starting to worry....he got his hands up and he tried to fix my hair for me.....I understand Why. He then sort off highfived himself and cheerfully smiled.

Chan:you look cute lee

Rose:thank-you's because of your intensive care about my hair we go to the park?

Rose:sure ....I love the park

Chan:great OK.... let's go

We headed to the park and there was an awkward silence between us. So I decided to break it.

Rose:so I heard some of your music


Rose:Yeah I did and you guys are like so amazing....for real though I'm starting to like you guys

Chan:I'm sure it's me you're starting to like

Rose:haha.....Yeah right

We both smiled and I sort off ggiggled

Chan:you're always know

Rose:well I'm always happy

Chan:you mean the opposite right? Rose you're always tired....well I don't know much But it feels to me like you want to cry almost all the time,But I guess you decide to smile and pretend to be happy can fool others But I can really tell that your not always as happy as you like to show


Chan:are you gonna ignore what I just said? it's just that I'm not good at talking about feelings and so I think I'll just waste your time trying to express anything.... so don't bother

I said and gave him a smile

Chan:I have all the time in the world to listen to you Lee......just talk to me please

Rose:what do you wanna know?

Chan:everything that makes you want to cry or feel bad

Rose:well... huh...there are a lot of stuff.....But I guess it's the fact that I'm so alone that I feel I don't this world or that it won't matter if I leave.......also I keep thinking that if I just didn't ask them.....

U stopped there because my eyes were getting really teary and I couldn't continue,and as chanyeol noticed the first tear rolling down my cheek, he looked at me and smiled.......I don't even know

Chan:can you finish please

Rose: I always feel like I shouldn't of had asked them to come see my stupid school show. If I hadn't asked them they would have still been here with me....

My tears were waterfalling on my face now.... I don't remember the last time I cried so hard.... and all he did was hug me real tight and telling me that it's okay and that he would care if I leave.

I think this was so warm that I fell asleep.... hugging chanyeol as I remember.....

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