After Party

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The faint sound of the bell on my collar suffocated me in a lustful state. God, I loved the sound. I closed the front door behind me and went to sit down outside on the front porch. The familiar taste of a cigarette started to tickle my taste buds, time for a new one. The smell, scent, taste, everything about smoking was oddly comforting, it gave me peace at mind in a way. It's around 9:00 at night, so the sun was already starting to fade away. Suddenly a loud car stopped I'm front of my house, the smell of fuel filling me up. I glared a bit and found it was Blake, he always wanted to go out. The thought of getting wasted and being myself tonight was too enticing. I ran over and hopped in the back seat and was suddenly slammed against a girl with short blonde hair, and a short grey dress. She was new. I watched out of the back seat window as cars passed and the city lights gleamed through the night. How beautiful. I stepped out of the car as we arrived, and was reminded that I no shoes on. Oh well, I guess. The man at the door was large, muscular, and he smelled like ham, gross. He let us through, thankfully. The blasting music rang in my ears, I've never heard this song, but yet it still seemed so familiar. Occasionally someone would bump against me, then start grinding against my ass as we danced in the dark club, all smashed together like we were all in a jar or something. Out of nowhere my waist was grabbed, and I was being thrown over the shoulder of a large man.
"Help! Help, someone!" I screamed, but there was no reply. Everyone was too drunk, and the music was too loud for anyone to hear me anyway. The man took me into the back ally and dropped me. My hands slammed into a broken beer bottle on the cold, were gravel. I screamed out in pain as I was kicked repeatedly in the stomach, crushing my ribs in. My voice started to sound like nothing, and there was a ringing in my ears. I doubled over and threw up, letting it get all over my shirt and all through my hair.
"Stop... please!" I barely squeaked out as he slapped me with his rough, callused hands. "Please..." he grabbed the hem of my skirt and pulled it down quickly, then got down, close to my face when everything went black.

I woke up to a loud groan, the sound of a punch, and footsteps a lamming against the gravel. Quickly I was picked up. I knew my shirt was ripped open, and my skirt wasn't on, I could feel the cold night against my wounded skin. My face was wet with blood, and I wanted to yell for help, but even when I tried my hardest, nothing would come out.

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