Chapter 11

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Lorna and Kitt stepped out of the elevator and onto the large outdoor patio that glowed like opal from the lights in the rooftop pool, a gem in the gathering dark while the sun was settling low on the horizon, out past Palos Verdes, beyond Santa Catalina Island -- a waning garnet fire slipping beneath the waves, accompanied by the flashing lights atop the gantry cranes at the Port of Long Beach, blinking in cadence with Lorna’s heartbeat as she spotted her sister across the crowded pool deck. Marina was alone and Lorna breathed a sigh of short-lived relief.

“Hello, Miss O’Shene, Dr. Dawson,” said Dr. Arnold Briar from behind.

Oh, thought Lorna. How terribly dramatic of you, Dr. Briar; stepping out of the shadows like a James Bond villain.

Dr. Briar had, however, simply emerged from the washroom and was drying his hands with a paper napkin which he then shoved into his pocket and then offered his hand in greeting to Kitt, who shook it as a reflex action.

“Good evening, Arnold,” said Kitt, politely though with gritted teeth. “Though I don’t know if that’s warranted at this point.”

“You’re looking lovely this evening, Miss O’Shene,” said Dr. Briar. “Or may I call you Lorna?”

“Lorna will be fine,” replied Lorna with a shrug. “But just what are you up to, Dr. Briar? If you’re planning on hurting my sister – no, scratch that. I won’t let you hurt her.”

“Now, now,” said Dr. Briar. “Can’t we all be civil? I just want to get to know her and to get to know you. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot.”

Lorna noticed that people were looking in their direction or at least that was the how it felt to her, and her pulse quickened. She placed a hand on Kitt’s forearm. Kitt read her gesture.

“Yes,” said Kitt. “By all means. Shall we?”

He gestured for them to go to where Marina was waiting at a table by the railed edge of the rooftop, looking at her cellphone and sipping a mojito. Together the trio passed through the crowd.

“Hi, sis,” said Lorna, reaching the table and leaning in to kiss Marina on the cheek, then taking a seat.

“Hey, Lorna,” said Marina, pressing a couple more buttons on her cellphone and then laying it on the tabletop. “Did you see Arnold?”

“I’m back,” said Dr. Briar, touching Marina’s shoulder then sitting at the table.

“Good evening, Marina,” said Kitt. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Hi. Lorna has told me some lovely things about you.”

Despite feeling as though her stress levels were through the roof, Lorna was a little amused and oddly touched to see Kitt turning slightly red. Lorna thought she must be looking the same right about now.

“Well, now,” said Kitt, smiling. “Lorna tells me some rather nice things about you, too.”

Out the corner of her eye, Lorna saw Dr. Briar roll his eyes.

“Good evening miss, sir,” said a waiter. “Welcome to Rooftop 360. I’m glad you were able to complete your party of four. My name is Derek and I will be your server this evening. Can I start you with drinks?”

“How did you two meet?” asked Lorna.

“I met Arnold in Glendale. We just kind of bumped into each other one afternoon at HeyMuffin. Arnold joked and said he’d been stalking me.”

“Well, if that doesn’t sound the slightest bit creepy, Marina,” said Lorna.

“So, Kitt,” said Marina. “You know Arnold well? He says he often visits Aquarium of the Pacific.”

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