Butterflies Prologue

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I knew this look, every single object in the room had it. As the rain painted its crystal clear droplets on to the window down to the window pane. The sky's gray rumbling and turning, flashing to us. They were rebelling against the bright sun.

I wanted to embrace him, telling him to stay. I wanted to leap out of my bed and hold him tight to my chest, entwining our hearts like that night before but like a coward I stood my ground and stayed in my bed. All I could do is sit there and look at him, stare at his features, taking a picture with my mind. Wishing this all to be over, wishing it had never happened. He finally looked up from the carpeted floor to me. I could feel his icy blue eyes pierce a hole through my heart like an arrow. But he did something I would have never though of seeing and started to tear. He never showed his emotion to no one. His vulnerability open like a wound, it pained me to see him like this. Broken. Gone. Faded. Like sand I could feel him slipping away. If I didn't say it he would leave me like the butterflies we once shared.

"Trevor, I, I, " words raced and escaped my mind, I couldn't speak. He looked back down and I could feel his aura leaving me. His warmth.

"Trevor, please." he signaled me to stay shut.

But I slowly crept out of my bed. Towards his standing figure. The room was dark, but I could still see him clearly. My feet finally reaching the ground adjusting to the cold carpet. My legs taking strength still to find me unable to take full balance. Taking a deep breath into my lungs I took my first step. He didn't flinch or move. Taking another step closer, then another, then another. I reached out towards him, to capture what was left of us.

"Please, don't leave me." I told him barely above a whisper.

The rain seemed to agree or maybe disagree as it rained violently. Finally at his reach I met his eyes. The same eyes that I fell for the day we met, gave me butterflies, that drove me every type of crazy.

" Scarlett." finally he spoke.

There was a spark of hope in my mind as I touched his pale cold hand facing him. Taking him in me, I slowly breathed out and searched his watery eyes for a sign of his life.

"I have to go." he said as my broken heart dropped to the floor shattering to more hundred pieces, my world spinning around me seeing him go. He turned around almost in slow motion like in the movies as he grabbed the door knob and was almost out the door when I said what I had been longing to say. The three words we both didn't dare to say. I knew it was too late for me. For us.

"I love you Trevor." he stopped at the door way.


I hope you enjoyed this snipped of Butterflies, there will be more soon J comment, vote and like always enjoy!! I really want to thank the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack for being my inpiration!

-PP18 <3

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