The Snake and the Lion.

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"Come on Draco! You're taking forever with those robes!" I grumbled as he was being fitted for new robes.

"Kate, you don't have to wait here." He looked at me through the mirror. Our matching grey eyes met. 

"Want me to pick up your books for you?"

"That'd be excellent. Have you got my list?"

"Mum gave me a copy of your's because you lose everything." I smiled at me, "You'll me meet Flourish and Blotts?" I turned away and exited before he answered, because I already knew he would. Walking down Diagon Alley, I enter the most popular bookstore in the area.

 Pulling out mine and Draco's list of books required for this year. With ease, I find my self twining through all the bookshelves and have no trouble finding the books. However I reach a shelf that's got no stool.

 "Of course, that book has got to be on the very shelf out of my reach." I huff, my arms full of books and this was the last book I needed.

"Need some help?" I turn to see Draco standing there.  

"Blimey! Don't scare me like that!" I shout, not expecting him to be there.

"Don't act like such girl, Kate." He smiles at me, and gracefully pulls the last book off the shelf. "A Guide to muggle studies. Hmmm, is that one of your classes this year?"

"No, Draco. It's your class." I rolled my eyes.

"What?!" His eyes got wide.

"Just kidding!" I laugh at his doe-eyed expression.

"Blimey, Kate. You scared me! That would be just awful, Dad would have my head!"

"I know," I told him as we head down the stairs to pay for our books.  Soon enough, we're outside in the middle of bustling Diagon Alley once again.

"Hey, Draco. Do you think we could go down to Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop?"

 Draco looked at me, like he was going to say no, "Sure, why not?" He gave me a little half smile.

 "Great! Let's go." I drag him to the shop of chaos. 

 "Wait!" He stop dead in his tracks. "I have to go get something, you go on in. But don't buy anything stupid." He heads off back in the direction we just came from.

 "Will that boy ever learn?" I said out loud to no one really. I entered the large building, and inside it was amazing! There was all sorts of chaos amidst me. Walking around the store, I didn't really see anything that spark interest- expect for a daydreaming potion.

 "That stuff works great if you're thinking about getting it." I turn around to see a tall red head boy standing behind me.

 "You never know when you'll hit a boring lecture in defense against the dark arts, right?"

 "I was thinking more boring classes of Divination." He confides.

 "Oh, I'm taking that this year."

 "It's dreadful."


 "George Weasley."

 "I'm Ka-"

 "Kate, mum is mad! Let's go!" I dear Draco's voice ring out from the front of the store.

"Coming!" I shout back."I'll see you around George Weasley." Picking up three daydreaming potions. Heading for the checkout, I pay and leave.

 "Mum is so mad!" Draco told me as we headed towards Borgin and Burkes. 

 "Why?" I asked as together we weaved through the crowds. Draco doesn't answer me, he keeps a tight grip on my hand and we make a sharp turn into Knockturn Alley. Within a few more minutes we at Borgin and Burkes.

 "Draco, Kate!"Our mother looked at us with eyes wide.

 "Where have you two been?" snarled our father, Lucius Malfoy.

 "Father, we've been out shoping for supplies that way..." Draco started.

 "That way you mum could spend sometime together with out us being there..." I interjected.

 "We know that you two like time to yourselves..."

 "And we were trying not to be a bother to you." I finish our long, run on explanation.

 "You two are the sweetest children, but you had us worried sick!" Narcissa told us, "Now that the fright is over, let's go home."

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter is really short. :( I'm working on the second chapter, which is much longer! (hopefully!)

If you want to have a character in here lemme know! I need people! Comment telling me your name, year, house, and general apperance (or I could make up you apperance).

Tell me what you think please! :3

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