My Family

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My family and I are... somethin'...

Like I said before I have 11 other siblings, oldest living on their own and youngest in diapers. My mother can't stand us and my dad spoils us all, and my mother is having a baby girl soon...?!

Oldest to youngest:

MOLLY: Molly is 21 years old and is living on her own now, lucky... Molly has a respectful personality, and can sometimes be bossy too...

RACHEL: Rachel is a very... strange creature... she is "too cool" or "mad dapper" for anyone or anything and is really out or her mind... a lot... all the time...

LILAC: Lilac is a very nice and independent person. She is very humble and loyal, and likes to compete in school activities, and the teachers pet...

HARRY: Harry is dumb to the bone doesn't have a brain probably dropped on the head as a child a couple times i wanna slap his face till he bleeds NEEDS TO DIE.

MADISON: Madison is very good looking, but she cheats on everyone. My dad spoils her the most, and boy does he spend a lot AND I MEAN A LOT OF MONEY FOR MADISON.

ZACHORY Jr.: Zack is very cautious all the time LIKE HE NEEDS TO CHILL like every day to his is the end of the world I SWEAR TO GOD  he thinks every day he is going to get attacked by a wild polar bear or something like DUDE CHILL.

(Me, Zoe and Julia are triplets)

BAILEY (MEEEEEEE O.o): I AM AMAZING NO  DOUBT ABOUT THAT jk i am very lonely and no one likes me i will never be anyone's sempai chan *cries alone in corner* i'm older


ZOE & JULIA: Zoe and Julia are like the BEST OF FRIENDS and i am stuck hanging out with mom and she hates me the most and I don't get anything from dad... BUT BACK TO THEM they share everything they both like the same things you can't keep or break them apart. (I with i had a friend like that HINT HINT WINK WINK HINTING MORE WINKS AND ANOTHER HINT HINT...)

(Jake and Jackie are twins)

JAKE & JACKIE: Jake and Jackie are the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of Zoe and Julia. Jake and Jackie DESPISE each other hate everything about the other one and would totally want to be on the opposite sides of the earth withing the other would drown in an ocean somewhere...

LUKIE (yaaaaayy!!!!!!): Lukie is the best baby brother an older sister like me could every have in their entire lifetime!!! I love him soooooo much and he never cries he is the most sane one in the house THANK THE LORD ABOVE IF THERE IS ONE ikd if their is i dont believe in a higher power but my family does...?

The baby girl that my mom is going to have, the name will be Alyssa, and hopefully she will not end up like a crazy person.

thaaaaannkkssss for reading i will tell you guys more about me later!!! BIEEEE!!

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