Part Three

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Part Three

Lady Cassandra Richmond's Twelfth Birthday Celebration, Evergreen, Ten Years Previously

The village was alive with the sounds of revelry. Young Cassandra Richmond, who's birthday was the reason for such a grand festival, laughed in delight as she danced with her youngest brother, Edward, who was only five. Both let out shrieks of laughter as Cassandra was hoisted into the air by Cedric and Edward by Maureen. Their parents danced with them until Edward claimed to be tired. Nine year old Benedict was playing with some of the other village children, so Cassie offered to take Edward to his room, not wanting her parents to miss any of the fun. She had never seen them so completely relaxed and carefree until then, and so had insisted they stay.

Cassandra dutifully took her baby brother to his room, tucked him in and stayed with him until he fell asleep. She informed one of the maids who had chosen to stay inside the manor rather than join the festivities that her brother was asleep but should be checked on soon, as he did not like to sleep alone and often woke up through the night. Then she announced she would be rejoining her parents in the village square and left the manor.

Cassandra, however, didn't head for the square. Instead, she gathered her skirts in her hands and walked briskly towards the edge of the forest. She had always been drawn to the forest. Now, with the light of the full moon guiding her footsteps, she felt compelled to head there. It was as if the voices of the forest that she usually heard were calling out to her; for her. The sound grasped her soul and pulled her forward.

She stopped a few yards away from the edge of the forest, her hazel eyes widening slightly in muted surprise. Four wolves crept out of the forest and stood before her - all of them massive, but seeming to carry themselves almost regally.

"Lady Cassandra", a distinctly familiar female voice, soothing in cadence and coming, as always, from within her head, began. "We have come for you." The young girl eyed the white wolf thoughtfully.

"Was it you who called out to me every time I neared the forest and spoke to me of many things as I explored?"

"Yes. It was all of us. It is time."

"I know." Cassandra had spent the days she'd managed to sneak away alone into the forest learning of her fate from the disembodied voices that called to her. Always a curious child, she had stayed and listened, though most would've been afraid or thought they were mad had strange voices started speaking to them. She had learned much of her people and land as she gradually began to understand that the voices needed her to both realize and accept her role as their 'princess'.

And now, on the day she reached the age where she considered to be a woman, they had finally shown themselves to her in order to take her away to live with them. Cassandra was not afraid - she knew they'd never harm her. She, however, was sad that she had to leave everything she loved behind. Once she went through the binding ceremony, she would have to stay away from them for a long time.

"Are you ready, Princess?" asked the black wolf. Cassie took one last look at the manor she'd been born and raised in; at the lights of the village bonfires that burned against the dark sky in celebration of her twelfth birthday. Her heart heavy, she turned away from it all and faced her future.

"Yes, I'm ready."


River Styrn, Present Day

"Why are you here, Cassie?" Benedict still looked stricken, disbelief etched on his youthful features. "I-" he swallowed - "I'd started to think you were gone forever!" She climbed off William's lap, uncharacteristically solemn. William stood up as well, still unsure of what exactly was going on.

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