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(Kami POV)

Just another day if the kid Ichigo ruff-housing. Gosh that kid is something else. I'd have to have a chat with his parents soon if it didn't stop. Though I disliked his way of just randomly fighting I did like his spirit.


I arrived at Ichigo's house to talk to his father about his fighting. I had called a few days ago to set up a date and one of his younger sisters picked up the phone. I had found out from that about Ichigo's mother. I understood why now that Ichigo's reaction to the other kids but it still warranted a talk with his father.

I knocked on the door and waited. I heard a few yells, a crash, some more yells, running, then the door opened slowly. A small girl peaked at me from inside shyly. I crouched down to her level and smiled kindly. She must have been one of Ichigo's sisters. She was cute.

"Hello little one. Is your father home?" She nodded her head slightly.

"May I come inside then? I called the other day and needed to talk with him. I'm one of Ichigo's teachers." Her eyes showed with recognition and she opened the door all the way. I stepped inside and took off my shoes.

"Please wait here. I'll go get Poppa." She spoke for the first time. Her voice was quite but sweet and I found myself liking her already. She walked off into the house and I looked around the hall. There were pictures of the family on the walls. Most of them were of a woman with the same color hair as Ichigo's and children that I assumed were Ichigo and his sisters. I came up to a family photograph with all of them. My eyes laid on the father and my body froze. Just then a voice I recognized came from behind me.

"Oh yes you must be Ichigo's teacher I'm-" I tuned quickly and sputtered out his name stopping him from finishing.

"Isshin Kurosaki"...

Not Good Enough (Kisuke X OC) Bleach fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now