Titanic: A Journey to Remember

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WRITTEN BY kp1289 and Rumble_Roar , ENJOY!!!

I clung onto my little sister's arm. We had gotten separated from our mother in the big crowd of people pushing us all over the busy dock.

“Sissy, we need to find her, we might never see her again!” My sister pleaded.

“Its alright Caroline. We shall find her soon.” I patted her head with my free arm. This was exhausting, running around this big dock searching for the one person we wanted most to say goodbye to.

The ship was starting to board its passengers. Caroline then shouted,while pointing, and jumping up and down. “I see her! I see mommy! Ivy she's over there!” We quickly ran over to her and signed in excitement. We actually are getting to say goodbye. This was amazing. I hate goodbyes, but this one meant something. We really may never see our mother again and if this was our last moment together it was going to be spent well. 

She grabbed us both and held us for as long as possible. She gently kissed the top of our heads. “Now you both better not get into any trouble.” She said “Ivy make sure you look after your little sister. Don't let her get hurt, or mixed up in any of the wrong crowds. You know what I mean, and no smoking either, your way too young for that and I don't want you setting a bad example.”I nodded, a tear falling down my face. My mom brushed it away, her eyes glinting with forbidden tears. “You'll be okay, sweetie. Once you get to America your brother will give you a great start in life. I promise you.” I sniffled slightly and nodded my head. “And you.” She said turning to Caroline. “Don't go giving your sister any problems, or I’ll personally swim right to you and give you a spanking.” Caroline smiled.

“I love you mommy.”

“I love you too dear. Now get on with ya, you have a ship to catch.” I smiled at my mother, and quickly embraced her one last time before grabbing Caroline’s hand, and rushing towards the boat.

We approached the ramp just as the last couple of people were boarding. We yelled. “Hey ticket guy! Wait for us!” He was just about to close the ramp but we got there just in time and ran up to him. 

“ Good thing ya guys got here. I was just about to close the ramp up and you woulda been left here. Now tickets please.” I got the tickets out of my backpack and handed them to him. “Here ya go sir, two tickets to board the Titanic.”  He looked at us and smiled.

“ Hurry up girls we gotta go!” He hurried us onto the boat and then closed the ramp.

I couldn't believe it! We were finally on the boat and leaving everything behind us. We were leaving..I couldn't find too many good things that would come out of this except seeing my brother for the first time in two years. Mama I am sure gonna miss you.

“Sissy! Look we are leaving! This is so exciting!” Caroline said happily. If only she were older, she would understand the actual seriousness of this, but I'll let her enjoy it. She is only 8 after all.

Once the ship had left the harbor, and the people waving us off had become a mere blur of colors in the distance, my sister and I retreated to our cabin. Which we would be sharing with two other people whose identities were still unknown to us. “Sissy, will we really never see Mommy again?” I looked up in surprise at my sister's question, Mom hadn't told her, yet I didn't think the truth should be hidden.

“I don't think so, Caroline.” I smiled ever so slightly, to appear sad in such a situation would worry her. “Why do we have to leave Mommy?”

“Mom's got work,work that doesn't involve us. Can't involve us. Mama wanted a better future for us, so she's sending us to Will. We can have a better life with him.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2012 ⏰

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