2. Meeting Crane

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  The next morning Harley woke me up pretty early. After I ate and showered she lended me a black dress that fell to my knees. It hugged against my body until it reached my hips. After that it ruffled out a little. She pulled my hair back and let one curl fall along the side of my face. She did my makeup with a natural look and gave me black Mary Jane closed toed shoes. “How do I look?” I stepped in front of the TV slowly spinning for my brother. He lowered his paper and pulled the pipe from his mouth. He grinned.

  “Stunning! You will absolutely get the job!” I smiled. “Wait!” He stood and ran to another room then ran out with a file. “Carry this in! It looks professional!” I grabbed it and opened it to see a few blank papers, and a few copies of newspaper articles talking about the Asylum. I closed it and put it in one hand resting it by my hip. “Perfect.” He had a sly grin as if he were forming a plan. Harley clapped and ran to me. She grabbed my hand.

  “Come on!” She pulled me through the kitchen area and to the elevator. She handed me the car keys. “Here ya go! Take my car, and this GPS!” She turned and grabbed a GPS and started pressing buttons on it. “There, it will give you directions to the main office. Be careful, and when you’re on your way back, be sure no one follows you.” I nodded and grabbed it.

  “Ok,” I smiled a bit nervous.

  “Good luck doll!” She hugged me and pushed me into the elevator shutting the door. She waved and I waved with the folder in hand and pressed the down button.

  I got to the car and plugged the GPS in and set the folder aside. I headed out and down a wooded area a good ten minutes before reaching a clearing. I started coming into the familiar town of Gotham. Taking all the necessary turns the GPS told me to take I finally saw it: Arkham Asylum. I gulped a little and grew nervous. I took a few breaths and went to the security both. The security guy handed me a guest pass and told me where to park. When I parked at the main entrance I hung the pass on my mirror, and grabbed my folder before stepping out. I clicked the button on the keys till I heard the car beep signaling it was locked. I paced myself as I walked in. After going through the metal detectors I saw many different desks. It looked like I was stepping into a huge bank of some sort. I looked around nervous and then I saw him. Doctor Jonathan Crane himself was standing at a desk talking to one of the employees. I took a breath and straightened my back allowing my chest to poke out a little more. I started walking and as I approached I reached my hand out to tap his shoulder. I was just an inch away when he turned to the side and hurried off leaving me unnoticed. I jerked my hand back and bit my lip when he stopped at another desk and sorted through files. I have to get his attention somehow. I hurried past him to a directory on the wall just a few desks up at a hall entrance. I put my finger to my lip and pretended to read while watching from the corner of my eye. He grabbed a few files and as he turned to walk his lab coat swung out. I listened and at the right moment I turned to walk. In that instant my shoulder clipped his and I dropped my file making a few paper scatter.

  “Oh no,” I pulled my hand to my cheek and bent down to my knees to gather them.

  “Oh my.. I’m so so sorry miss!” He bent laying his stack to the side and helped me gather mine.

  “Oh no, it’s my fault I wasn’t paying attention.” He brushed my apology aside with his hand.

  “No, I was walking to close to the wall.” I giggled lightly which earned a cute smile from him. He helped me place my files back in the folder and we stood. I smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem.” He smiled and as someone hurried by, they snagged the corner of his stack of files making them fall over. “Ah! Really Sam?” He looked at the guy rushing down. The guy turned.

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