1. The Beginning

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-Cover drawing by ViviKay on Deviant art-


    I walked down an empty street of Gotham. It’s been several years since I had been here. The chill of the midnight air was slightly pleasant, but the growl in my empty stomach was not. I had no money but that never stopped me. Hmm just something to hold me over until I find my brothers home. He’s such a chicken going into hiding. I bet its some small cave. I turned down Fifth Street to see a sign for a corner market I hadn’t remember seeing in the past. Must be new. I guess I’ll put their security to the test. All the lights were off except the street lamp at the corner. I slid down the alley between two taller buildings and climbed a dumpster. I pulled the buildings ladder down and climbed it to the roof. I kept my head low as I snuck across it. I jumped down the small ledge onto the next building. I hoped over a few smaller walls until I was on the corner market. After spotting the big round vent where the air escapes the inside, I crawled to it. This place use to be an old bakery so this particular vent led down to the oven in the back. I’m sure they’ve made some changes. I pulled the round bared cover off and laid it gentle on the ground. I really hope I don’t get my hat dirty.

     I eased myself in and was careful not to make too much noise. I was right, it has definitely changed. Whenever I snuck in in the past for cupcakes and stuff I just went down as if it were a slide but caught an opening to keep myself from getting stuck in the smaller pipe leading to the oven. This one had no slide. It was all leveled and just turns; reminded me like the ones at the bank. I looked down to the right and saw the end and it making a left. I looked down to my left and saw the end of it making a right. Looks like no matter which way I choice I’m going in the same general direction. I shrugged and crawled to the right. I could feel the vent sway a little as I made myself to the end. Turning left I noticed a small slide half way down. I smiled and continued. I got to the three foot slant and turned sitting on my butt. Wiggling to the edge I bit at my lip a smiled just before allowing myself to slid. It was a quick slide and I got back on all fours as I made my way to a square vent cover. I peeked through to see an open room with several other vents on the floor. It looked like an attic area of some sort. I reached in my back pocket to pull out my little pocket case. It was filled with an assortment of small tools I needed.  It was a birthday gift from my brother when I was six. I opened it and pulled out my little screw driver and went to work on the vent cover.

     It wasn’t long before I made my way through. There was just enough room for me to stand when I stepped through. I replaced my tool and looked around. It was a bit darker in here but my eyes adjusted quickly. My eyes always adjust quickly to the dark. Looking down at the vent covers on the floor I noticed a then filter on it. This cover slid up easily from the floor. I slowly set it down beside the newly gaping hole. I saw ground just about seven and a half feet below me. I sat and turned me feet allowing them to dangle in the darkness. I thought about the height and how to land it. My hands pushed me off the edge and I fell down landing on my feet but as I landed I bent my knees making myself land in a squatting position. I peeked around an aisle to see nothing but a variety of selves and the front counter. Behind the front counter I saw the windows which had the street lights orange light glowing through. I smiled and stood slowly looking around at the variety of foods. I stayed close to the shelves as I moved around. I quickly grabbed a bag of chips and some water. I saw a glow in the corner so I stepped to it. It was the clock of a small microwave. 2:15 it read. I looked around and saw a freezer next to it. Peaking my head over I saw a variety of microwavable foods. I saw a burrito and quickly slid the door back and snatched it up. I unwrapped it as the door slid back and stuck it in the microwave for 2 ½ minutes. I opened my chips and nibbled as I waited. It buzzed and I used a napkin to pull it out. I could feel the heat through the napkin. I took a bite and it was hot. I quickly got my drink cap off and swished water in my mouth. I was careful when I took the next bite, but this bite contained bits of what felt like ice. I rolled my eyes and placed it back in the microwave for another minute. When it was done it was hot but tolerable. As I ate I walked around looking. I saw a Gotham paper with the magazines and looked closely as a little street light hit it. Victor Zsasz Finally Captured and Taken to Arkham Asylum was the headline. I could make out a picture of Arkham Asylum just below it. It looked slightly bigger. I guess they had to expand considering this city is filled with quacks.

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