chapter 6

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As I walked to Herbology with Hermione, Harry and Ron, we all spoke of this weekend, since it's the first weekend back and we are allowed to go to Hogsmeade. The Slytherins were behind us, lurking to class, as we usually did. I told Hermione about how I still wasn't talking to Edward and how he apparently confronted Draco the night we got back to school. She asked about what he had said to Draco and I explained everything to her. Honestly, she's really the only Mudblood I can stand, and she's practically my best friend.

We arrived at the greenhouse with a few minutes to spare before class began. I groaned as I saw Blaise walk into the greenhouse before I went to the place where Draco and I usually stood for the class. My house walking in meant that class was only a few seconds away from beginning, since we Slytherins usually took our lovely time getting to class before it started. Professor Sprout was already in the front of the classroom, waiting patiently for everyone to quiet down. Once everyone did so, she began the lesson.

Once the morning class of Herbology was over, I again walked with Hermione to Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid taught this class, and I wasn't particularly sure how this would end up. As we neared the open area where Hagrid stood, I slowed down walking and waited for Draco, Crabbe and Goyle to catch up. Draco, as usual, wasn't happy about the class. He was annoyed by Hagrid, whom I didn't find that bad. Hagrid is quite decent, he's got a nice personality, though, he tries his best to be a good person, and he is. We all stood in front of Hagrid, books open. As Hagrid began teaching the new lesson of the day, I started to take notes. Yes, I take notes during class, surprise!

For dinner in the Great Hall tonight, I still sat with Blaise, Draco and my other friends, but I continued to ignore Edward and the twins. Those three seemed to be inseparable nowadays. The thing I most wanted now was for tomorrow to come. Quidditch tryouts start tomorrow. As per usual, I'm excited for no reason, since my 'partner in crime' Draco and I were practically on the team already. Granted, our spots could be taken at any given time by another player - they'd have to be very well trained though.

Once dinner was over, there was one more class to be done, and that is Divination. The oh-so-wonderful - actually not really wonderful - class of Divination. Taught by the one and only imbecile (in my opinion) Professor Sybill Trelawney. To get to this class, I followed behind in the very back of the Slytherin house with Draco and Blaise. We wanted to be the last people in that classroom and the first out. We abhorred the class, just as almost everyone else - not including Hermione - did.

Not to our surprise, the class seemed to drag on for what seemed like centuries. As usual, once the class ended Draco, Blaise and I practically ran out of the classroom. When we got into the common room, I sat on the chair where I usually did my homework. The chair was in the far corner of the common room, a place I had chosen during my first year to do homework in hopes that no one would see me. Or, rather, bother me. It was under one of the windows the showed the view of the giant squid - if it swam by, that is. The area had decent lighting, so no "lumos" spell had to be cast.

As I worked on my homework in peace, I realised that many others were sitting around playing games with friends. When I had finished everything, I took a look at the time. I'd taken my shower this morning, so I went straight to my room. Being only nine o'clock, I started getting ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

** The Next Day **

Six in the morning. Wonderful. Standing up from my bed, I walked over to my closet and smiled as I pulled out my Quidditch robes. I wouldn't need them until later today, but I wanted to go ahead and get them out and ready. After I hung them up next to my bed, I went and got my clothes and school robe for today, as well as my wand. For once, I walked out of my room probably the happiest any of these girls have ever seen me as. Of course, I made sure no one saw me walk through the wall, because I'd rather not have to cast a spell on the wall to lock it when I went in and out of my room.

"Good morning!" I said, walking over to the only other girl that's ever been on the Slytherin Quidditch team.

"Well aren't you excited this morning, Tabitha?" She said in a questioning-surprised sort of tone.

"Aren't you? Quidditch tryouts are today, Samantha!" I looked onto her bed, noticing her things weren't out, "you are trying out this year, right?"

"Wasn't thinking of it, why?" Samantha said as we walked into the common room.

"Well, you are the best beater I've seen on the team, I know you're only a third year and you've only been on the team once but still" I said, looking over at her.

Samantha only shrugged, "I'll think about it, but don't count on it" she said before walking to her group of friends as I then continued to walk over to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Where's Draco? Every guy is out here except..." I trailed off, looking around the room. Everyone was out in the common room except Draco and Edward, "oh joyous" I finished and started walking towards the boys dormitory.

With a grim look on my face, I slammed the door open and closed my eyes. Trying my best to smile, I opened my eyes and interrupted the arguing session, "now, today is one of the best days of the year, don't ruin it." I looked specifically at Edward, "also, Shrieking Shack, tonight, after tryouts, if you even come, that is." Replacing the 'smile' I had with a 'resting bitch face' I walked out into the common room again.

At breakfast, I sat with Crabbe and Goyle, since Draco and Edward had apparently decided to either continue their argument or skip breakfast in its entirety. But five minutes after everyone had sat down, the miraculous Draco Malfoy and Edward Slytherin showed up and sat in their spots, not speaking and looking quite angry.


A/N: ahh drama is always my favourite when it comes to writing books lol, hope you all don't mind it. I find it quite enjoyable because it adds tension and all but then again everyone feels different.

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