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     If all you ever seen was darkness and the evil of humanity where do you turn to find the light? In the Song of the Nightingale or at least what I've been told. Nightingales have always been kinda like a guardian for me if you choose to believe it. Mother always told me that they'd lead to my fate, my destiny. I honestly never believed any of it because I was trapped in the same pattern. Everywhere I went had the same cruel ending. The same kind of rejection from humankind. Only animals had ever accepted me. They had always been my salvation but it was never enough to save me from the cruel story that was my life. My ending was chosen before I had choice. My ending if you care to know was Death. Yeah that's right Death. At 11:59pm on September 10th on my 16th birthday Nightingale Rendear died. It was a perfect ending to an imperfect life. My imperfect life.......Or so I had thought. The Next day I was breathing but was no longer alive. That day changed my life changed my life for better or worse. That day I became an Elemental. I had become some existence between life and death. This was the start of a new story, my story and this time it wasn't going to have such a "unfair" ( for a better choice of words ) ending.

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