Chapter 5

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Sorry for being terrible and keeping you waiting. Oh well, my procrastination came up with this chapter, if you wanna read the original plot to this chapter (I was gonna make a different story but decided to make it into this instead) I made it into a one-shot called "Smiling Through Tears" Enjoy!

Wally glared at Richard. He didn't even know the brat's name and yet he still hated him. He couldn't help it, the brat was either scowling like he wanted to commit genocide, or he was grinning like he had already done it.

Batman came to take him a few moments ago. Wally wasn't entirely sure why he was there in the first place but he didn't give a rat's ass as long as he never saw that damned grin ever again... or that icy glare... Wally shuddered involuntarily.

Batman grabbed Richard's shoulder roughly and brought him to the Zeta Tube, but just before entering the Zeta Tube he turned to look at Wally. Wally immediately tensed up expecting Richard to glare at him one last time, but instead... he smiled. 

It wasn't like any other smile Wally had seen him wear. He wasn't taking the last cookie, he wasn't lowering Wally's self esteem, and he wasn't grinning... he was smiling. Just Smiling. 

It was almost as if he was sending Wally a message. And Wally understood the message perfectly. It was the kind of smile a kid would give you when they knew they were wasting your time, but were thankful anyway. He had given that smile to his Uncle thousands of times, but his Uncle never seemed to understand it.

Thank you for putting up with me

[Batman: A02]
[Guest: 01]

That smile would haunt Wally for the rest of his life.


Richard smirked as they walked out of the Zeta  Tube and into the streets of Gotham.

  Mission Accomplished.

Eh, Sorry this is so short. I'm gonna start the next chapter now, but it might not get finished cause I'm about to start a new story. It's gonna be my first Non-fanfiction story. I'm not gonna tell you to check it out cause that would be cheating, but I'm probably gonna update that one at least once a week. I'm still not sure where this story is going.

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