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-If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours

- Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions

- Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience

- Have you ever experienced someone been happy because of you ? its a amazing feeling

- Would you rather go to the past and experience those memories again? Or go to the future and see what's to come?

- the one thing we all experience is change. for the better or worse, its the only thing that is constant in our lives

- when you live in reaction, you give your power away. Then you get to experience what you gave your power to

- Never blame a day in your life.. Good days gives you happiness, Bad days gives you experiences, the worst days give you a lesson & all are God's blessings

- What is the secret of success? Right Decisions. How do you make right decisions? Experience. How do you get experience? Wrong decisions

- No one really changes until they experience something that changes them

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