chapter 2-Mrs. Matheson

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Janie left Mr. Matheson's office feeling pleased. He was kind to her and even considered her a part of their family. She was loyal to Nicky and didn't feel threatened or anything. She promised to continue to use discretion, if she ever overheard "business matters".

And sharing a drink with him? Why, it was unheard of! She felt sinful and a little ashamed at the very thought of it. Just remembering the way looked at her like a starving dog! It gave her a weak in the knees warm feeling inside. He reminded her of a wolf in sheep's clothing, truth be told. Sometimes Nicky had that effect on women, though. He was so mysterious in so many ways. Yet just simply a man, she'd learned some things about him along the way. She'd had to tidy up his bedroom on many occasions and sometimes it reeked of booze, smoke and stale perfume. Often times, an accidental souvenir of women's lingerie would be found as she was making his bed. She blushed and didn't want to think about that part of it. Was he a good lover? she wondered.... What would his touch feel like...?

Smiling from ear to ear, Janie pictured dancing a ballroom floor with Nicky. He was so charming and very nice to her and he smelled so good. She loved this daydream of him and the meeting they had earlier was so enticing. Janie embarrassingly found herself humming a tune while dancing with the broom. Pretty soon the other staff would be arriving, but Janie promised herself she would keep a lid on her secret meeting with Nicky Matheson.

Suddenly Mrs. Matheson came home. Janie fell into step immediately to help take off her soft fur coat and hat. "Good morning to you, ma'am," she told the woman cheerfully.

"What's so good about it, anyway?" Mrs. Matheson asked and rolled her eyes. She paused for a split second and eyed Janie suspiciously. "What's the matter with you, wake up on the right side of the bed or somethin'?"her dry sense of humour brought her back to reality. This was one of the least favorite parts of her job. She bit her tongue when the woman came around because she could do nothing but bring a bitter and sullen mood to the house. Janie wasn't particularly partial to the missus, but desperately tried to be. Karla Matheson has been married to Mr. Matheson for going on seven years now. What she lacked in attitude, she made up for in beauty. Red curly hair that'd drive one girl crazy, always worked wonderfully for her. With long black lashes, pouty red lips and a perfect complexion, she caught even the blindest man's eye. She was tall and slender -perfectly suited for her flapper-esque party dresses.

Nicky met Karla while she was waitressing for Easy Mike's Bar & Eatery uptown. He ordered so many rounds for his table so many times, she thought her feet would surely fall off! Before he was through, he pulled her onto his lap before she knew what hit her. "Have a drink doll, take a load off!" They hit it off nicely but she jumped into bed too soon she would say years later.

Before she knew it, she was married and pregnant and not necessarily in that order. After little Henry entered the world, things changed in a big way. Her body wasn't what it used to be, her unused make-up was gathering dust and raising the baby all day made her tired. Sometimes too tired to go gallivanting around all hours of the night. Despite this, her husband would go on without her, while she sat home stewing about it until she fell asleep. Soon, Nickey hired some more help for her with the baby the and house. Soon thereafter, she became pregnant with her daughter Corra. She highly suspected Nicking was cheating at that point. Arguments ensued and tempers flared but he always had a way of convincing her of how much he loved and respected her. That she was imagining things. He held her and dried her eyes repeatedly. But as the years went by and nothing changed, wisdom took hold of her and Karla became her own private investigator. Catching him red-handed almost made her feel like more of a victor than a victim. Sadly though, depression and discontent made Nicky's wife realize she was no longer loved and respected. He had gotten sick of her for not being as much fun as she used to be.

Mrs. Karla Matheson had finally given up on him a year ago. The daily nagging and fighting with her him finally reached its boiling point. She couldn't and wouldn't put up with his late nights and infidelities anymore. She wanted a divorce. On his end of it, he hated her for hating him but fully admited to being somewhat of a ladies man and partying all night. However, made it clear he wouldn't change for anyone. So Nicky set out to do his best to try to ignore her constant nagging and miserable demeanor, occasionally reminding her of his feelings for her. But Karla made it tough for him by the fighting and whining and screaming and crying and tearfully pleading him to come to her room. But her behavior of lashing out at him and her despiration put a real damper on his desire for her. Throwing expensive things at him wouldn't stop either. She had good aim and he got his bells chimed a couple of times. On those occasions, she would get a spanking. He hoped by venting his frustration, it might serve to give him a hard on, but to no avail. She pushed him too far away.

One day, Mr. Norton "Nicky" Matheson finally had his fill. He would never forgive himself for what came next, but God help him, maybe it was his only choice. Her escalating fit of insults was almost more than he could bear, so as she stood in his face, yelling at the top of her lungs, ringing his ears off his head, he did what he thought any man would do with a hysterical woman in his shoes. But as unthinkable as it was, she had left him no choice. He hauled off and smacked her once right square across her face. Everyone in the house heard it, then you could hear a pin drop. Mrs. Matheson blinked for a few moments in shock, then turned on her heel and storm upstairs to her room. It took some brass balls, but he chased after her till he got to the closed bedroom door and boldly said "No divorce dear, but I'll get you your own place! Go be miserable elsewhere."

So it was done. He set her up with an apartment of her own nearby. She could come and go as she pleased and check in on the children regularly. And even though she would desperately request a divorce on occasion, he aways made it abundantly clear "NO DIVORCE" or it would tarnish the family's name. And she might as well be crazy if she thought he was leaving his own house. He paid her a large monthly sum, but that was in his nature "to have pity for your plight" so he'd said. She finally left him alone about it.

"May I get you some breakfast?" Janie asked Mrs. Matheson.

"No thanks, just coffee. I'd like to go to the beach with you and the children today."

"Will I be back in time to help Harriet with lunch?" Janie asked. She liked to make sure Harriet had enough help in the kitchen since Betty was fired last week."

"Oh I don't know, she'll do fine on her own. She's cooked for her own family for years before coming to work for us. Besides, she'll know you're out with us, and Conrad can help her if she needs it." Conrad was Mr. Matheson's servant and the door man. He didn't mind tidying up the house, but Janie thought for sure he'd turn up his nose at getting his hands dirty in the kitchen. Never mind, though, it wasn't up to her.

Conrad and Harriet showed up ten minutes later. "Hope you got your beauty sleep," Karla folded her arms and tapped her foot. "You're late again!" Both of them apologized in unison.

"The car is giving me troubles again ma'am. I pick Ms. Harriet up and that too, is why the lateness." Conrad had a bit of an Italian accent, but he spoke very clearly.

"Alright, Conrad, but see that you remind Mr. Matheson to get it fixed."

"Eh, yes ma'am I will." Conrad said, giving the wife a courtesy bow.

I made some changes, so let me know what you think. I'll try to write some more soon. :-)

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