Chapter 1

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Everyday I wake up and pretty much go through the same thing...!
I wanna do what I'm supposed to at my age. Like going to party's or doing things I'll regret later but always have a laugh about it. Eh I guess that day will come way later, especially in this ghetto of a city. Recently I've been feeling better and looking at things in a different light, but I feel like that's probably gonna come back and bite me in the ass. I have been happier especially talking to a lot of people I care about. Which isn't a lot but good enough for me. I feel like they care for me, hopefully they do instead of me its happened before. Oh! I just remembered that I have been giving new thoughts about...well me 😂 I may not look the best or be in the best shape but I want to try and better myself. I wanna make myself likeable for the sake of my friends. And I care a lot for my friends, I'd do anything for them...literally I'm not kidding. I would do the most embarrassing thing just to get them to laugh, that's how much I care about em😂😂 I would even die for my friends, get in a fight. Even get my ass whooped for my friends as long I Atleast tried my best. But then again my best isn't...well...the best..

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