Chapter 3

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Calm down, I'm doing this for my new friend Sasuke. Good people don't have bad situations in their lives or bad people around. I'm good now and I will help Sasuke at all costs. I will help anyone acroos my life.

It's been near a year now; living, eating, experimenting and training in Orochimaru's hideout. We have a room to sleep and food. I like sharing the room with Sasuke though; I always go to his room in the middle of the night and sleep in the floor. In the mornings we always ended in the floor, he said it was unfair that I sleep alone in the floor and that I was too heavy to move so that was the only way.

I don't see Sasuke happy of me being here; maybe he just doesn't like me completely or he thinks it is too dangerous for someone like me. Whatever that means, I'm the one that's dangerous. But I think he is satisfied that he is getting a better training than before and that I am training as well. Or that is what he thinks.

We both wake up very early every morning, Sasuke sees me go to a room to 'train' with Kabuto while he trained with Orochimaru. Kabuto experiments in me, testing my vast chakra reserves and my resistance, my healing rate (surprisingly I heal quickly so Sasuke doesn't notices) and other things. He is crazy but I don't judge him. I don't see that as a bad thing, besides I have to withstand this, for Sasuke's and Naruto's sakes.

"You have a great body to experiment with and the best thing of all: you don't whine like a little girl!"

"I have been through a lot, enough for me not to whine at something like this" I said. I always tried to exchange the minimum amount of words with him as possible. I didn't want to hate him, I can't, and I'm not allowed.

"You know, I have a patient that has a Kekkei Genkai. It is unique and I can copy his DNA and see what we can do… what do you say?"

"Kekkei genkai? Doing that isn't gonna kill him?"

"The truth is, Kimimaro always wanted someone to have his abilities. That's what had called Oroshimaru-sama's attention after all"

"He is dead then…What kind is it and how will you do it?"

"It's called Shikotsumyaku. It allows you to manipulate your bones as you wish and how I do it is not your concern. You are just a specimen and I just test you"

"Two things: what are you going to say to Sasuke it is a success and is that kekkei genkai the cause of Kimimaro's illness?"

"We'll see what we do about Sasuke since you seem to care so much about him. I'm not sure but it's just a suspicion that that was the cause of his disease. Are you afraid of dying"

"I'm not, I wanted to know how much time takes for the disease to completely take over the body"

"I'm not sure about that either but if I had to guess I would say between 3-5 years. If we begin we will be spending more time here, make an excuse for him"

"Let's do it, I'll see what I do with him"

We finished really late, much late than the time that I go to Sasuke's room to sleep; it was the first day after all. He made more experiments on me and he ragged Kimimaro's dead body. I entered the room as quite as possible; Sasuke was on the bed, his back to me.

"Why are you so late today? What were you doing? I know Kabuto isn't a fan to train"

"I'm learning new jutsus and I wanted to practice more so I asked his help and he said yes so we were training"

"You know when I lie right? Don't you think I know when you are lying too?"

"Uummm, I'm not lying, I-"

"He was experimenting in you wasn't he? I told you it was too dangerous for you to be here. you will be leaving now, i won't permit you being Kabuto's subject of experimentation"

"I knew the risks when I came here. I do train and he does experiments in me but right now he is trying to translate a Kekkei genkai from a dead body to a living one. I'm making two persons happy in one shot. Kabuto said that's what Kimimaro would have liked and-"

"AND YOU BELIEVED ALL THE CRAP HE TOLD YOU? He is just using you for his selfish experiments! Are you dumb or what? You can leave and not live through this hell but instead you are here!"

"I promised myself I would make you and Naruto and your other friends be together again. That is what I have to do to repair my mistakes. Let me do this, please"

He looked at me for a few seconds with his cold eyes and then sighted. He grabbed his pillow, the extra pillow I always used and a blanket for both. I think we acted like sister and… brother…

"Henka" he said. I looked at him and I saw his eyes getting softer for a few seconds as he looked at me but then he was back as normal. "What are you spacing so much for? Hurry, I want to sleep"

"I'm sorry Sasuke" I said but I didn't move. I knew my mood always changes when I remember how my brother always cared about me, like if he was the bigger one. When I remember my brother I remember my mother… God, why does it have to be me? Why do I have to suffer so much? Why did they have to die? Why can't I be with them instead of being here?


"Sorry for bothering you Sasuke, but I will sleep in my room. I need to be alone and… umm… good night" I grabbed the doorknob and was about too open the door when a hand grabbed my wrist.

"I have learn by you, by the hard way and by force, that when I remember my past I don't have to be alone. You have to share your pain with someone, cry in someone's shoulder, receive a hug when you need it… stay here"

"Sasuke I-"


He dragged me to the place he had already arranged for us. He grabbed my head and place it in his chest and he said it was okay to cry and it was okay to do that sometimes. I didn't cried, I didn't want to cry in front of him again. i can't show myself weak infront of him again.

"I have pain too. I can share mine and you can share yours"

"Can we do it *yawn* other day, I'm *yawn* tired"

"Yeah, you just sleep"

I fell asleep as soon as he said yeah. Too tired to keep listening. I have no idea if he said something else. Nothing-important maybe.


"I have never told you that you sleep-talk right? Or that I- never mind"

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