chapter 1: "Make A Match!"

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POV= Point Of View
(...)= thoughts
*= positions/movement

Mika's POV:
All of these months, turned into weeks. And the weeks turn into days. I have been waiting forever to be on this show. Everyone always finds someone that they can fall in love with, but I was forced to be on this show. My dad always pushed me to find the one and I was too lazy to ever date. Tonight is gonna changed my life. Im gonna find someone. Someone to fall in love with.

Sci Can's POV:
My dad hosts this new show called "Make A Match." And first I thought this show was pretty stupid, but then after 3 seasons, it got really popular. I'm talking about 5,000,000 people watch it. Tonight is the night that I find the one by my dad's and everyone else's choice.

Mika's POV:
Tonight, i'm here with my best friend Niki. She always helps me stay calm and to never think of the worst thing. So basically, think positive not negative.*Niki comes walking to Mika* "Hey Mika, i'm so happy for you! I can't believe your gonna try dating! Its soooo much fun!" Yeah fun. *Mika trys to roll her eyes but gets really dizzy*

(This is gonna be a disaster!) "Come on Mika. You got to think on the bright side. Now imagine that you are meeting him for the first time, and he has the cutest smile, the softest hair, and a good looking face. What do you say to him?" Umm...Hey what's up?...good looking. *Wink Wink. Mika trys to wink but yet again fails to succeed* "We need to work on your social skills. How much time do we have..oh shit! We have 15 minutes! I got to fix you up fast!"

Sci Can's POV:
Ok. In 15 minutes, I will be on stage and matched with the one that my dad and the rest of the world has pick for me. People think I'm needy but really i'm just inpatient for things. *Sci Can's dad [host] comes to congrats Sci Can* "Hey son, I just wanted to come over to congratulate you for tonight. The world has done you good son. I also saw one girl from your school here tonight. I think you guys would be a perfect "match" because you guys should have alot in common. Right?" Dad, not everyone in my school has something in common with me. I don't even know her that much. "Oh son, don't worry the one for you would have someone in common with you. about 9 minutes, we will find your match and you will thank me and the world for her." Ok father. "Ok I got to get ready for the show. See ya soon Sci C."

Mika's POV:
"Ok ok ok! We have 5 minutes! How much have you learned?" Let's see. Greetings, i'm Mika. *bows on a fancy way* How do you do? *blushes and fans herself with a purple fan. Looks away and then turns back* How did I do Niki. *Niki covers her mouth with her hands and then gives Mika a hug* "OMG! That was amazing! You are totally ready!" Really? "Yes! Now go and get him tiger!"

(I ran to the producer of the show and then my dad was waiting right there) "Hey, there's my sweetie pie! Aren't you excited? I know this is a life changer but you have been ready for this you whole life. Deep down in your heart." Um.. im nervous for meeting him and I was calmed by Niki, so I guess I'm ready. "That's my girl. Now this is were you will shine" (I gave him a hug and ran to dress up for the show)

Sci Can's POV:
Now everyone is dressing up for tonight and they put me in a suit and tie with a white bow. I would love for this night to go by quicker so I can just meet her. This time, i'm gonna find the one and hopefully purpose to her at the end of this whole month being together. Like I said before, i'm really inpatient. I just need to meet her. She will be the one. I can't believe i'm doing this. What about if she isn't the one for me? Or if we have nothing in common? Hopefully I got this all straighted out. Now if I could just wait 2 minutes.

Mika's POV:
Ok. 2 minutes. I can do this. I can wait to find my love. (Now with one of these boys will be my match) *Mika searches the crowd of boys and sees one that she likes* (him maybe the boy with the black hair. I want to say hi but its too early to say hi to the boys. He might just freak.) "Mika? Earth to Mika. MIKA!" Oh shit! Is it time? "Yep. Your on right now!" (I ran out to save myself from embarrassment. Thank goodness I made it on time.)

I'm sorry that I took awhile to publish chapter one. I have been really busy and I am already starting chapter 2. ☆

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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