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I was in my room, getting dressed for ate Yuri's baby shower. Ate Yuri is the wife of kuya Red who is the cousin of Grei.

I just wore a white off-shoulder dress, a white ribbon choker, and beige heels, to break the white scene. I also just used my beige sling bag to match my shoes.

I was putting on my lipstick when my phone chimed---an alert of an online chat message

And its from George... one of my gal friends

Georgina Lisza Ylustre

George: Girl, Blythe, are you dressed up?

Blythe: Yup

George: Should I pick you up or wha?

Blythe: Nah, thanks. I'm bringing my car. What about Rein? [Kathrein, one of my gal friends]

George: Rein... she's taking her car too

Blythe: Eh, what about Nicka? [Annicka. You prolly know her]

George: You know na. Grei's picking her up

Blythe: Oh.

George: Okay. Gotta put my lipstick on. And I'm sure that you prolly got to also. I know I chatted while you were about to put on your lipstick. I'll catch you. TTYL!

Blythe: TTYL, ILY!

I put on my lipstick and headed to my car. I drove to ate Yuri and kuya Red's house for the baby shower.

The ones who attended that were close friends of ate Yuri, kuya Red, and their family. I was lucky enough to be invited.

Then I saw Nicka and Grei come by.

"Hey, By! [Grei calls me 'By' instead of 'Blythe' since we were kids]" Grei said and kissed me on the cheeks, like how he usually does to all of his friends that are girls

"Hey, Grei!" I said

"Hi, girl" Nicka said and made beso

"Hey girl" I said

Oh, God... this is gonna be a looong night.

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