Surprise! [Part 2]

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"You're a jerk, Sasuke!" [Name] snapped, pushing the Uchiha off of her as she watched him tumble onto the floor.

The raven headed male fell down onto the wood floor with a loud thud, causing the entire room to shake slightly. Oh, that must have hurt.

"You think those stupid insults are going to hurt my feelings?" Sasuke groaned with aggravation, pulling himself up and off of the ground, swiftly returning to her side. "I'd like to think that you know better than that by now."

[Name] sighed slightly as she rubbed her eyes, still not completely adjusted to the light coming through the window.

"I guess not." She grunted quietly as she pulled herself off of the bed and walked toward the bedroom door to exit, slightly turning back to look at the Uchiha. "What was that noise from earlier?"

"Noise...?" The brooding male questioned, standing himself up and positioning himself beside [Name]. "What noise?"

A quiet, yet exasperating sigh managed to escape the females lips as she rolled her eyes at her fiancé.

"The noise that you managed to cause this huge scene to try and make me forget about?" [Name] muttered, slightly aggravated. "Just possibly that noise, I might like to add."

The male's gaze faltered slightly, causing [Name]'s lips to curve into a triumphant smile.

"You may as well let me go see now, rather than later when I'll just be upset and over it." The woman added, patting on the male's chest lightly before twisting the knob from the door and peeking her head out.

The hallway was silent, and may I add, quite empty. [Name] turned her head slightly left, and then returned it back to the right side, seeing nothing except a chair that is constantly there. She turned her head back to look at Sasuke, seeing the male's face with a small smile.

"What're you smiling at?" She retorted, a look of anger on her face.

The male chuckled slightly as he opened the door completely from beside her, motioning her to exit the room.

"You'll see."

"What do you mean, I'll see?" [Name] snapped, straightening her back before proudly stepping out of the room.

"Like I just said," He repeated with a sigh, pushing [Name] by the small in her back with his arm. "You'll see."

[Name]'s mouth let out a small grunt at the touch of the male as she jolted out of the room and into the hallway. Slowly facing her body to the left, she walked over to the opening for the living room and kitchen. Glancing around, the female looked over at the furniture and the room in general to come to the conclusion that nothing had actually changed. Sliding back to see where Sasuke had gone, she bumped into him, jumping slightly.

"H-hey!" [Name] growled, pushing the male's hard chest. "Nothing is different!"

The raven headed man just stood still with a patient look on his face as he shook his head 'no'. He then slightly bobbed his head toward the kitchen table as a sign of pointing her toward it. She glanced up at him unsurely, looking back at the table and at him with speculation.

"Go look behind the table, but that's just a hint you could say." He spoke up calmly.

With a slight bit of confusion, [Name] nodded, walking over to the table, peeking over behind it.

"R-ruff, ruffff!" A dog barked, causing [Name] to stumble back in shock after glancing over at it.

"S-sasuke! T-there's a dog...!" She screeched. "A-a dog! How did he get here?!"

"I found her out on the street while you were sleeping, I thought we could take her in until we found her owner." Sasuke stated, patting [Name] on her shoulder and pushing her slightly toward the puppy. "We don't have a kid, so why not?"

"I-I don't know about this...!" She snapped, pushing past the male. "S-sasuke, I'm terrified of dogs!"

"W-what?" He asked in disbelief, turning toward his future wife. "You never told me that!"

"G-get him out!" She screeched.

"O-okay, okay!" He yelled back, picking the puppy up off the ground lightly.

As the Uchiha went to go bring the dog outside, [Name] snatched the small dog out of his hands, snuggling it lightly as it licked her dry face wet.

"What're you doing?" Sasuke yelled with shock. "But you're scared of dogs!"

"I was joking, idiot." [Name] winked at the male, scratching the pup behind it's ears. "I love dogs."

The raven headed man let out a huge sigh of relief as he rubbed his temples.

"It was a pleasant surprise." She smiled. 

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