List of girlxgirl-lesfic stories by Tess

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Kind of an update -

So making this lots simpler...  everything above this story, and everything newer than this, is girlxgirl, and hopefully won't accidentally offend anyone. 

Any new un-gxg stuff I'll put on my blog, but not here.

Clear?  :)

(Um in hindsight, that title was a bit confusing.  This should be clearer...)

This is here because I ran out of room to put new words up in the About Me, and this seemed like it'll work if I keep it near the top, so people see it.

So, um, basically, sorry.  I’m disorganized, and somewhat lazy, and haven’t been complete clear about what kind of stories are which here.

And I know I said you can tell from the blubs with are women and women, and which are women and men, but maybe you can’t.  Or maybe don’t want to look that hard.  And I know there’s tags for searches, but when you look at the list here, it isn’t obvious which are which. 

So basically, sorry. 

I don’t want to upset anyone, and I hope I didn’t.  Like, by accidentally making you read something you didn’t want to, or have you assuming because you read one thing that everything else was whatever, and not quite notice, and starting on something that will make you go ick.

I’m disorganized, and I have been lazy and somewhat insensitive, so now I shall mend my ways.

So, here, if this is useful, a list...

The girlxgirl stories which are basically lesbian, as in nothing alarming happens, are -



Evie's Job

Les Smut (um, obviously...)

First Kiss

Sappho Made Me Do it (also kind of obviously, although poems)

Love Letters That Aren't About Love


Insomnia Stories

After the Shooting (also not smut)



Old Friends and Speeding Tickets

In the Woods

Something About Love

The stories that are a bit more bi-ish, but still mostly about women, and which I hope still won’t offend anyone, are -

Pictures of Jemima

Comforting Friends

Wingmen (not smut, but does have a conversation that could be too much)

Ashley's Deal (safe as smut, in that the only sex is between women, but she is romantically involved with a man)

And the ones that are really, to be honest, bi fiction, in that all sorts of people are floating around doing all sorts of things to each other, but which may look otherwise from the blurbs so I’m warning you specifically here, are -


Four Together (sex between women, but also between women and men)

And everything else, um, probably isn’t what you want if you looked at this page. 

So hopefully that makes it easier to find things.  And thank you for wanting to!  Really thank you lots.

And sorry if I did upset anyone.  I won't again, I am now being more organized.


Um, so also, while I’m getting all self-analytical, for what it’s worth, I know I’m writing more idealized world stuff than gritty real stuff.  Like in some of these stories bad things happen, and people are mean to each other, but the world as a whole isn’t that dark.

By which I mean, there isn’t homophobia, and people tend to just run around falling for each other and crushing on each other with scant regard for where they are and what you might call real-world demographics.

Yep, I know.

So there’s a lot of really good writing about all the problems people can have.  But I don’t think I want to do that.  I think I’d rather write about a happier kind of world.  One that, I guess, I hope will turn up, eventually.  So I write like I do, rather than being completely realistic about some of this stuff.

Hopefully what I mean is clear.  I’m pretty sure someone who’s done English can explain this better, as in, I’m sure this has already been talked about enough there’s words for what I mean, but, um, I haven’t, so I don’t know what they are.

And I’m not claiming I never write anything dark, either, just to say that too.  People are horrible to each other all the time, but it’s because they’re selfish, or they don’t like each other, or they had a fight.  Whatever.  Not because of just shitty old demographics, and who they are, or love, or fuck, or what they look like.

So yeah.  This just because I spend a lot of time trying to be realistic about other things in stories sometimes.  Like people get confused, and hurt, and blah.  So in that way, everything else is kind of less romantic, but in this, in this one thing, I’d rather be as fucking dreamy-eyed as I can.  

So basically, there’s no cruel parents, or angry ex-boyfriends, and no-one gets fired from their jobs because of what they do outside of work.

So yeah.  Just to say that.  Just so everyone knows.

And thank you for reading.  Just thank you so, so much.  I'm quiet and I don't talk as much here as some people, but I'm really grateful to everyone and yeah.  Just so you know.

Tess xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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