-Tips Pt1-

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1. When making covers make sure its the right size. Using pictures that aren't the right size can sometimes look stretched. The right size is 256×400.

2. Don't use pictures that are too busy. What I mean by this is to try and find pictures that don't have a lot going on. This will help keep the focus on the title and will help your cover look neat and professional.

3. When adding text try to stick to one color sheme and also try to use the less fonts as possible.

4. If you are using apps to make covers, don't use apps like Pic collage . Those apps are meant to be used for collages and collages only. Using these apps usually end up leaving watermarks and that makes your covers looks really unprofessional.

5. Try to use pictures with the highest quality possible. Good quality pictures tend to be more eye catching than pixelated pictures.

6. Don't use pictures with a lot of colors mixed together. It will be hard to add a visible title and it might end up looking messy and ugly.

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