1. rabbia ♔

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"Babe!" I giggled as Noah's hand slipped under my blouse. His mouth was against the crook of my neck, leaving a trail of warm and wet kisses against my cool skin.

"You know you love it." His instant smirk against my skin erupted another giggle from my lips.

"Do I?" I questioned jokingly.

"Oh, I think you do." He pulled me closer to him and I heaved atop his body. Sunday mornings were what I looked forward to nearly every week. Mornings where our chilly feet joined each other in attempt to keep them warm, or the moments where I woke up before him and the sunlight shined upon his face, highlighting his gorgeous features in the process.

"I think so too." I replied, leaning closer to him. As we brought our lips together, his hands got tangled into my messy hair.

"I love you." He spoke against my lips. I was about to respond the obvious answer but his phone had interrupted us, causing his instant release of me.

"Don't pout, it'll just be a moment," He whispered while placing his index finger against my lips. I kissed it and he smiled at me while placing his phone to his ear.

"Hey mom." He answered casually. I took the time to sit back and admire him with the low lights flashing on him. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have someone like him. He gave me his unconditional love and I was so appreciative of that. In complete honesty, he was the first and only person who I have ever opened up to...and it was the same situation with him. Using only one hand, he captured one of mine and began intertwining them together, a small smile upon his face.

"Mhm..." He replied to the phone. His eyebrows quickly furrowed together and his eyes turned into little slits as he quickly released my hand. The smile had faded off and a frown now replaced it. Of course I couldn't help but gave a small chuckle at how adorable he looked.

"Mom! You know how much I hate him!" His eyes turned over towards me then reverted back to the distance. "How can you make me do this?" He rolled his eyes at something his mother had told him and he replied with a quick, "I don't want to talk about this", then hung up.

He grumbled words that I didn't understand and dramatically threw himself to the other side of couch.

Curiously, I questioned his change of attitude. "What is it?"

"I fucking hate his guts!" He spoke more to himself than to me. He threw his phone beside him landing closely to me.

"Who?" I urged.

He looked at me as he shook his head. "No one."

"No! Don't you 'no one' me. I want to know who it is!" I said forcefully.

He only managed to say, "A cousin of mine."

I had gotten him heated up, and I suppose that it made him continue his trail of remarks. "Well, as a matter of fact I don't even consider him as my cousin considering he's so far away on the family tree." He clenched his fists as I stared awkwardly. "Good thing I didn't get the asshole genes." He mumbled more to himself than to me.

"Did you?" I laughed at my own little joke but then died the laughter down as he only looked at me in seriousness.

"Well why do you hate him so much?" I continued.

"Jess, please let's just leave it at that." He barked harshly. I didn't understand how he had gotten in such harsh tones to me so quickly.

"Why are you all of a sudden so defensive?" I looked at him wearily. It wasn't like him to keep things from me, especially since our last big fight where we made an oath to never keep things from each other.

He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes for a few seconds. "Babe, I'm sorry." He pushed himself up from where he was and jumped over to me, then wrapped me into his arms. "It's just that when you hate someone so much, you don't like talking about them."

I nodded in agreement. "You're right." I acknowledged.

"Now a movie?" He raised his eyebrow at me just as he changed the topic.

"Of course." I smiled warmingly. "But I choose."


Noah had gone home earlier than expected. I sat there by my lonesome, sipping some warm and soothing tea. With every gulp I could physically feel it swimming down my throat.

Marley and Me was playing on the TV. It was a sad movie that never failed to leave tears streaming down my face.

The phone rang and my body jumped. As usual, I was home alone and nearly every small noise caused me to bolt. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Noah's mother.

Quickly, I placed my mug onto the table making sure I had placed it atop a coaster to avoid getting in trouble by my mother. "Hey Mrs. Almone," I greeted politely.

"Elena!" She corrected as she had done so many times before. "Well anyways, how are you doing sweetie?"

"I'm doing alright," I smiled, despite already knowing that she couldn't see me. She was such a great person inside and out and I adored her.

"Well that's great! Anywho...I would love to have you meet up with us for dinner at Cordono's tonight! You know, with Noah all stressed and everything, I think it would be best if you were there to soothe him."

"Who is exactly is 'us'?" I asked, even throwing up the air quotes.

"Oh lord. Always getting ahead of myself." I could hear a woman talking in the background. "Us as in my husband and I, Noah, and my cousin and her son."

"Right." I replied, still putting two and two together. So basically, it would consist on the Almone family, her cousin, and her cousin's son. That's a hefty bunch.

"Yup." She replied popping the P. "So are you willing to go? It'll be fun!"

"Well does Noah want me to go? When I was with him today he seemed a bit..."

"Ah, of course he wants you there!"

"Since he hates Luciano so much, you'll be the perfect distraction." She gasped and the noise became muffled. "Shit." She cursed.

The background noise had stopped and the woman was no longer talking. I laughed as I was experiencing second-hand embarrassment from Mrs. Almone. I was willing to bet that the woman speaking in the background was Luciano's mother.

"Now go get ready and meet us there!" She rushed and hung up. I chuckled and was thankful that I had nothing to do with any of that drama.

I looked at the clock. When it came to getting ready, I took my sweet time doing it. There was a routine I had to follow precisely in order to get out the house in a flawless manner.

Noah always had this thing about me going out and looking like crap. Of course, I knew that I didn't need to obey him, but it just felt nice when you go out and get appreciated for all the hard work you put into yourself that day.

I grabbed my tea to bring along with me. I stood up, taking careful sips in order to not burn myself...but that didn't last long because I took a large sip and spit it on the person in front of me. I nearly crapped myself then and there.

"Oh shit." I gasped. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

HELLO. Boring chapter but next chappie will be better, I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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