Chapter 9: Like vs. Love

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{{ Jungkook }}

So at this point you're probably wondering "Jungkook what the hell are you doing? Pull away!" But that's the problem, I can't. I feel mesmerized into this kiss, almost like he put a spell on me.
His full, soft lips are placed on mine, I should be scared or even mad.

But I'm not.

My body became hot, it felt like all my skin was melting off of my bones.

He pulls away from me with his eyes closed but he soon slowly opens them, looking straight at my bright red face.
He gave a smirk, looking down at his hands which were playing with the blankets.
"You know, I would've expected you to push me away and run out that door without a single thought." Jimin said looking back up at me while licking his lips.

"I-I..." All I could do was stutter.
Was I feeling this type of away because of the surprise?
Or was it because deep down, I really have feelings for this elder?

{{ Jimin }}

I can't believe how stupid I was to actually kiss him!
I-It must be because of being half asleep, if I was in the right mind I wouldn't of done that, would I?

My hearts pulse began to pump even faster than before, but not from the kiss, from me feeling guilty about what I've done.

"Ju-Jungkook I'm sorry I won't ever do it again I feel so stupid!" I start to hit the side of my head, loosing the calm I had, trying to get my mind to work again because honestly, I feel like my brain left my thick scull.
"I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore I totally get that if that's the case just, you can go now-" I was suddenly gripped into an embrace, Jungkook's muscular arms wrapping around me tightly and mine still in front of me holding onto the blanket I was playing with.

"Hyung, it's okay." He said in a soft voice, my face turned red as the red on his face vanished.

{{ Jungkook }}

I don't know what I'm feeling, my body seems like it's controlling itself, almost like I had no decision on what it did.
My mind said to get out the room, to just leave... But my body wouldn't obey.

I sat there on the bed hugging him, not letting go.
"I don't want you to be upset, Hyung." I whispered in a soft voice in his ear.

What's gotten into me?!

A few moments later we both hear someone clearing their throat, standing in the doorway leaning on the frame.
I loosen my grip, becoming startled as I move my body back away from Jimin's.


He sucked his teeth giving me an evil glare that pierced into my soul.
"How.. How long have you been standing there?" I came out with a soft voice, sounding startled and shy at the same time.
"A couple minutes, or at least I walked in when you two were touching lips." He raised an eyebrow, tapping my foot against the light hard wood floor.

{{ Jimin }}

I've been caught haven't I?
All I could do was sit there, completely paralyzed not being able to say a single word.
Yoongi came up to me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out the room and out the house.

"What the hell were you doing?!" He screamed as soon as we made our way outside. He clenched my wrist tightly in his pale, soft hand.
"It's none of your business!" I try to pull free but he pulled back, bringing me slightly closer to him so I would look him in the eyes. "It is my business Jimin! You can't just kiss someone like that! Especially because-" his throat clenched up.

"Because?" I questioned looking at him with curiosity plastered on my face.
"Because I..."
"Because what?!" He let go of my wrist, but put the same hand up to my face feeling my smooth skin. "Because I love you Jimin."

{{ Yoongi }}

Yes finally, I expressed my feelings towards this adorable fluff-ball but will he accept them?
His face turned a deep red, looking at me with big eyes.
"Are you gonna say something?" I take my hand off his cheek, but then putting it into my pocket and pulling out a necklace.

It's silver chain matched perfectly with the heart-shaped locket it had on it.
I take Jimin's wrist again and put the necklace into his hand, making his fingers close around it. I smile slightly, thinking maybe I'm going too fast and this poor boy is probably still shocked from the kiss with Jungkook.

So why am I doing this?
Why am I pushing my dumbass heart on him when he's probably confused as hell?

"Th-thank you Hyung." He blurted out, opening up his hand and examining it. "It's so pretty!" A smile started to creep up on his sweet face, sending joy through my body knowing he he's not scared by me.

{{ Jungkook }}

I stand there watching them both from the open window, hearing very little of what they're saying but I started to feel something.
A crack.
A snap.
A shatter.
Why? Why am I feeling this way? Why did Yoongi have to take him away? I know I shouldn't be like this, and I know I'm not sure about what I'm feeling but what I have in my heart right now, doesn't feel like it did when he kissed me.

A tear rushed down my cheek, don't you see that my life is full with nothing but bad things?
Disappointment, despair, hurt, and many other things that fit right in with the category.

I suck up my feelings like I always do, swinging open the front door and walk down the path towards Jimin and Yoongi.
"J-Jungkook.." Jimin looked up, taking his eyes off the locket that the elder had given him.
"Wh-whats wrong?" He tilted his head at me and hid the silver colored necklace behind his back.

"Don't worry about me." I said giving Yoongi an evil glare while walking past them.
Why do I feel like this?

{{ Jimin }}

"Jungkook!!" I yelled trying to run after him but Yoongi gripped my arm, pulling me back and putting me into an embrace.
"Don't worry about him, okay? He didn't like you in the first place, right?"

"I-it doesn't matter. I like him! I want to be with him.. And I'm just letting him go like this because you're holding onto me like a Staple to Paper!" I struggle slightly trying to come out of his arms, but he just held on tighter to me.
"I love you, okay. I don't want to let you go either just like you don't want to let him go but please just give me a chance and if you can't than we'll pretend like this never happened.. Okay?"

I'm afraid to say something.
Without saying a word I break free from him, going back into my house and flopping down on the couch. My mom then comes through the door.

"How was your day sweetie?" She asks me with a smile while putting her stuff down next to me.
I plaster a fake smile on my face, "It was great mom".

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