Chapter 6

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'A human saved my life...' Adam felt lightheaded as he carried the chip through the tunnels under the boards, experiencing some sort of odd thrill. 'He spared me, saved me, and fed me... Treated me like an equal...' Adam knew for sure that he definitely couldn't tell Harvey this.

Somehow it just wouldn't fly.

Before he could think up anything, he was already at their door, opening it and walking in with the chip in hand. Hervey was pacing anxiously in the living room, stopping in disbelief when he saw Adam, and what the borrower had.

"... I-I got a chip," Adam sheepishly grinned. Harvey strided up to him and stared, taking the chip and setting it to the side before locking Adam into a hug-- again.

"I was so worried!" Harvey gasped. "You didn't sleep in your bed last night! Y-you were gone all night, I-I saw the salt and sugar on the table, a-and with that encounter with the human I-I thought-"

"Hey... It's ok," Adam soothed, hugging his brotherly friend tightly. "I'm ok. I-I just wanted to surprise you b-by bringing more food..." Harvey sighed shakily, smiling with tears.

"I don't know whether to be proud of you or ground you," he threatened. Adam smirked.

"You can't ground me."

"Oh no?" Harvey giggled, shoving the cocky borrower gently. Adam retaliated by giving the skinny and pale brunette a noogie, making him squeak in protest and laugh. "You seem happier..." Harvey pointed out. Adam nodded, shrugging.

"I'm just glad I'm not totally helpless," he lied, giving Harvey an undeniable grin. The younger borrower smiled back, then gave a playful glare.

"Alright, now off to bed," he scolded jokingly. Adam sighed and replied with a mock-haughty tone, "Yes mother," before giggling and skipping off to his room. He nestled under his quilt and smiled, surprised that when he was reminded of how it felt to have a live surface around him on all sides-- he wasn't scared. No, it almost made him feel safe. And that was the thought he held in his mind as he snuggled his covers and dozed off into sleep, an idea hatching in his mind for his next deliberate encounter with Ty.

Ty was very groggy as he stumbled down the stairs, letting out a huge yawn as he headed to the dining table, where the others were already seated.

"Hey Ty, did you get abducted by an owl after all?" Tyler teased. Ty chuckled.

"Nah you scared it off." He seated himself between Jason and Quentin, and Ian was quick to serve him a small stack of pancakes.

"You seem to be in a better mood," Jason cautiously inputted.

"Yep!" Ty hummed as he poured some syrup and started eating.

"Good... You deserve to be happy," the blue eyes brunette murmured, nodding thoughtfully. He suddenly ducked when a bit of butter went flying, splattering right on Ty's cheek, and he stiffened, slowly looking up. Everyone had frozen. Mitch had his hands clasped over his mouth, the guilty one.

"Um," he gulped. "S-sorry dood, I uh-" Ty lifted his hand and slowly wiped the delicious creamy substance off his cheek, taking his time in being dramatic as he licked it. Then he suddenly scooped a bit out of the container and flung it at Mitch, hitting him square in the forehead and making him yelp.

"Hey!" He complained. Ty giggled, grabbing more and tossing it. Mitch ducked and dove under the table, letting the butter hit Ian, who started in surprise.

He quickly smirked however, chuckling.

"Oh it is on doods," he said deviously.

 The next few minutes were utter chaos, everyone joining in and getting covered in butter. The only ones who were victims was Jason and Tyler, who were mercilessly slaughtered with butter.

"Hey now!" Tyler finally yelped. "Aunty Janet's going to be furious when she finds this mess!"

"Aw come on loosen up!" Ty whined. Jason smiled.

"Don't worry Tyler, we'll take care of it," he informed the brunette. Tyler's shoulders slackened in relief.

"In that case..." He flung a little bit of butter, hitting Ty square in the face and making him yelp. "--I win!" He finished deviously. Everyone laughed and joked around as Ty scrambled to wipe the butter off, laughing as well.

"... Truce?" He pleaded. Tyler giggled.

"For now, b*tches. Now clean this mess up." They all grumbled good-naturedly before starting to clean up what Mitch and Jerome had started-- and then Ty had been the one to retaliate-- butter all over the table cloth. Fortunately, it was washable, to which Jason had been appointed to. Seeing Mitch and Jerome didn't do the best at their chores, Tyler cleverly changed their task by asking them to fold the laundry, which they sped off to do. Ian was appointed to the dishes, and Quentin was sent to buy more butter at the store. That left Ty with gardening duty.

"So just water the plants with dry leaves?" Ty asked Tyler. Tyler was taking over vacuuming duty, seeing he had to clean off the butter on the floor first.

"Yeah, just a nice and light sprinkle, and don't spray anyone else out there like those two did," he chuckled. Ty nodded and went outside, grabbing the hose and unraveling it as he turned it on just a little. He dragged it to a tomato plant and started sprinkling some water on it, humming softly to himself.

He was almost done when a rustle interrupted his thoughts, and he turned off the water, frowning. 'What was that?' Holding the nozzle of the hose like a weapon, he turned toward the noise suddenly, poising like a cop with a gun.

"No don't shoot!" Ty's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Adam, who was cowering under the dark eye of the hose, trembling. "I surrender?" He squeaked. Ty gasped out in surprise, tossing the hose aside and crouching.

"Oh god, don't sneak up on me like that!" He scolded, mostly because he was scared that he could have hurt the borrower without even knowing. After Adam got up and brushed the wrinkles out of his attire, Ty let the volume of his voice drop. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He murmured, cupping his hands around the flower Adam was balanced on. Adam shook his head.

"N-nah, you didn't even scare me!" He replied boldly, but Ty could see there was a waver of doubt in his golden-brown eyes. Ty grinned sheepishly.

"Eh, well sorry I almost shot you with water," he apologized, chuckling.

"It's ok," Adam assured, looking a lot more confident and relaxed. Ty let his hands move away, and he sat back in the soft soil.

"So what are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Oh... Well, actually... I uh, came to see you..." Adam blushed, wringing the bottom of his shirt. Ty glanced indoors, seeing through the large window that Ian was washing the dishes.

"But it's really dangerous out here." Ty turned back to Adam, only to freeze when he realized the borrower had disappeared. He was confused for a moment, then felt something crawl into his chest pocket, and he looked down just as Quentin came back from the errand.

"Hey Ty." He waved, and Ty grinned weakly, nodding back in greeting as the frizzy-haired brunette walked back indoors, passing Tyler on the way out.

"Comfy?" Tyler asked with a humorous twinkle in his eyes. Ty chuckled, hesitantly getting up.

"Sorry, I uh... I was just admiring nature," he excused. "I'm already done."

"Well then get your lazy a** back upstairs and do whatever you do in your free time," Tyler joked. Ty chuckled and complied, turning the hose off and heading back inside, well aware of Adam's light weight in his pocket. He could feel the borrower press against him, his shifting movements so slight and faint. He knew that if he wasn't aware of Adam being in there, the borrower could easily pass as nonexistent-- which was necessary and yet very dangerous to Adam.

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