Date Night

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I woke up and smiled when I seen Hunter sound asleep. I scooted up and kissed his cheek. Since he was asleep I started undressing to get in the shower. I was left in my Victoria Secret bra and thong. (Its so weird writing that) I stopped and stared into his long mirror. I carefully stared at my body. When Hunter and I split up, I went through major depression issues. I ended up self harming more than I should have. The scars ran up and down my arms. I looked down pushing hair behind my ears. I sighed before feeling warm hands wrap around my waist. 

Hunter- Hannah why?

Me- I missed you..

Hunter- I'm here now. Don't you ever hurt yourself like that again. 

Once I noticed I was in my underwear I felt slightly embarrassed. 

Hunter- I love you Hannah. 

Me- I love you too... 

He traced his thumb over my cuts before bringing them to his lips. 


I pulled up my wet hair and put on my glasses. I've never worn these. My eyes have just been killing me. I threw on a big sweater and went downstairs. 

Hunter- Hey babe.. Natalie and Brandon went to the mall with my mom and Aston. 

Me- Cool. 

Hunter- You look so cute. Why don't you ever wear your glasses?

Me- I don't know... 

He came over to me and pulled me close placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled before kissing back. 

Hunter- Why are you so insecure? Your beautiful...

Me- I don't know.. I'm just really shy.

Hunter- Don't be. Your amazing. Express yourself. 

He kissed my forehead before walking upstairs. I only get to spend a certain amount of time with him so we are trying to make it the best we can. 

Hunter- Hey babe! 

He ran down the steps. 

Me- Yeah?

I giggled as he grabbed my hands. 

Hunter- Since your leaving soon, I want to do something special. You can even stay in what your wearing. 

Me- Okay... what are we doing?

Hunter- You will see. Go upstairs really quickly. 

Hunters POV

I ran out onto the porch and shoved blankets and pillows onto it. I lit candles and sat them on the edge of the railing. I grabbed my macbook and set up netflix. 

Me- Babe come on down!!

Hannah's POV

I ran downstairs adjusting my glasses. Hunter came up and put his hands over my eyes leading me somewhere. 

Hunter- Open. 

I gasped looking at the beautiful setting. We sat down and he pressed play on my favorite show 'Scream'. 

Natalie's POV

Brandon grabbed my hand leading me into journeys. 

Brandon- Hey.. come here. 

He patted the seat next to him and I sat there. He turned and grabbed my hands. 

Brandon- So... you know, we have been really good friends for a long time now. 

Me- Yeah...

I felt my palms get sweaty. He started chuckling. I hid my face feeling embarrassed. 

Brandon- Hey, its okay. I love it when you blush.. you get all shy and start heating up.. then you don't know what to say and make that cute little laugh turning your head. 

He grabbed my hands again. 

Brandon- This is what I like about you so much, and I'm sick of everyone throwing hate, we need to make this official. I get we already hug, cuddle, give eachother kisses on the cheeks, but thats all little stuff. I wanna be with you Natalie Lynae Rose. 

I didn't know what to say. 

Brandon- I love you Natalie. 

Me- I.. I love you too?

I was just so confused but I really like him.. I can't let this go. 

Brandon- Alright now go pick something out. 


Hannah's POV


I shouted looking down at the delivery car. We ran to the door with messy hair since we were cuddling and play fighting. 

Delivery Man- Okay that will be- Woah... you too look.. um. you guys look like you were busy. 

Me- No its not what you- 

Me and Hunter looked at each other and started dying of laughter. Hunter paid and we went back out. 

Me- Thanks babe. 

Hunter- Anything for my baby girl. 

I started blushing right when he called me that. 

Me- Stopppp.

I said as he started pulling me close. I place my hands on his chest and hid my face. 

Hunter- No. 

He pulled my face close to his. I looked into his deep green eyes and smiled. 

Me- Your so- 

I started feeling hard raindrops. We ignored it which caused us to basically get soaked. Soon it started pouring into the porch. 

Hunter- Get the laptop!

Me- No get the pizza!

We grabbed each item and ran inside dying of laughter. I grabbed a slice of pizza running to his room. My wet hair fell out of the bun and it was in my face. 

Me- I need to change. Don't come in. 

Hunter- No babeeee. I seen you this morning.. 

Me- Ugh. Fine. 

I know he is 16 and usually all 16 year old boys think about is.. sex. But I'm too young. The farthest I would go is a serious make out session or just slight more. I could feel his eyes watching me as I removed the baggy sweater. I wasn't wearing pants since the sweater was big. 

Hunter- Ugh. 

I jumped not knowing he was behind me. 

Hunter- You kill me. 

He started kissing my neck. 

Me- Hunter stop. 

I giggled. But he kept on doing it. 

Me- Babe seriously.. I really want to but I cant. I'm too young. 

Hunter- I get it.

Me- I never said we couldn't do this tho. 

I pushed him on the bed kissing his lips. As I said... the worse I would do is a little more than make out. 

Mark My Words •Hunter Rowland•Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora