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Miracle Campos stood in the school supplies aisle, trying to decide which brand of mechanical pencils will last a long time.

Her best friend Summer Browning stood beside her with a cart full of every kind of candy in the world.

"Oh, come on Miracle, We have a week left of summer. Let's enjoy it!" Summer whined.
I sighed, grabbing a pack of green highlighters from the shelf.

"Why do you need green  highlighters? You have highlighters in every color in the world" Summer stated. "Because it's the color I use for SAT vocabulary words" I said.

"Even though" Summer started "The SATs are one year away?" i finished.


"I'm going to go get a 18 magazine" Summer huffed walking away. I looked down at my basket to make sure I had everything. 

It was over flowing with notebooks, folders, mechanical pencils, pens, erasers, index cards, white out, paper clips, color pencils, rubber bands, colorful highlighters, and glue sticks. What was I forgetting?

Post-it notes. I walked down the aisle till I spotted them. I grabbed a pack of green, blue, yellow, orange, pink, and purple post it notes and shoved them into my basket.

"Uh-oh nerd alert" I heard from behind me. I quickly turned around to face Ariana Richards and Delilah Swanson.

They stood there looking like models out of a magazine. "Um..." I looked around for summer. Where was that girl when I needed her. Oh wait, stuffing her face with candy.

"Um, are you like, the janitor?" Ariana asked. "We were wondering where the Walmart bathroom is" Delilah asked. Ariana snickered from behind her.

"School shopping already are we?" Ariana asked grabbing the basket from me and throwing it on the ground. Her long manicured nails scratched my hand. "Nerd" Delilah coughed from behind me. "Fetch, doggy" Ariana said. She walked away her heels clicking, Delilah following behind.

I bent down and angrily shoved everything back in the basket. I never stood up for myself. "Hershey or...." I heard Summer trail off behind me. "What happened?" she asked picking up and notebook with puppies on it.

"Ariana and Delilah" I huffed. "Ugh, I hate them" Summer said. Once Summer had her candy picked out and all my supplies where back in the cart she let the saleswoman ring up the items.

^_^^_^the picture above is Ariana (the one with her nails done) and Delilah (the one with the serious face) ^_^^_^

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