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“Why the hell are you here?” I yelled at Seth as he opened the door.

“Because I want to talk to you, Louis. I love you and I’m so so sorry.” He had an earnest look in his eyes, but all I could feel was the hate boiling inside of me.

“No. You don’t. If you loved me that much you wouldn’t have put your dick in some random guys ass, Seth!”

“I was drunk, Lou.”

“Stop. You know that isn’t true, and I’m done talking about this with you. It’s over. We’re done. Leave.” Tears brimmed my eyes as I slammed the door in his face.

“But Lou please!  I need yo- LOUIS!”

I walk into my kitchen tearing open my refrigerator door, grabbing a beer.

“I’m so tired of all of this shit!” I yell, knocking picture frames, candles and all of my knick knacks from their shelves. I sink into the couch, rubbing my face with my hands. I pull out my phone, and text Niall.

L: Hey Ni. You’ll never guess who just showed up at my door.

N: You’ve got to be kidding me. That asshole? B there in 10.

I sighed, finishing the contents of my beer. I have never felt so lost in my life. My boyfriend of 3 years had cheated on me. With a guy he met on the internet. My life is falling apart right in front of my eyes and I have no idea what to do.

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