The First Day...

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*Beep! Beep Beep!*
"Eugh! It's too early! 5th of August? Why is that circled on my calendar? IT'S THE 5th OF AUGUST! IT'S MY FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL!" Said Amber whilst panicking like crazy, she stares at herself in the mirror and see a tanned girl with very clear skin and auburn hair, she has blue eyes and red lips. Amber turns to the side slightly she is slim but knows that weight doesn't matter. Shortly after putting her uniform on, her mum comes in and has a small, brown bag with a receipt on the front.
"That's for you're hair, it's auburn to blend it." She says holding a hair bun doughnut. (This made her very happy because her doughnut burst yesterday.)
Then she puts her hand behind her back and bend back a little showing off her baby bump a wee bit. She then passes her a black box, and a smaller white box.
"Here are you're new shoes for school and a little something from your dad and I..."
The box says in small pink writing-
BaBylyiss PRO Perfect Curl (Gold)
She screamed slightly, this means that she will look a million times nicer! This first day looks like a success! After she is ready, her dad drives her down to the bus stop, then later seeing her two cousins Brooke and Louise. They were always very close so she had no problem talking to them. Then, at approximately 8:20 am the bus arrives.
"Right on time!" Says Brooke and Louise in unison, Amber doesn't say anything because she is new and they have been here for five years so it's obviously a given that they will know more than her.

Amber walks a little further down and see's her friend Lucy, she smiles then makes a indication to sit with her.
"Hey!" Said Lucy, "Are you excited?"
"Well... Kind of..." Amber said trailing off.
"Wait! What do you mean by that?" Said Lucy, looking Amber straight in the eye.
"Well, we might not be put in the same class..." Said Amber, quite quietly hoping that Lucy won't think about it much.
"Hm, I didn't think about that much. But anyway, we'll see each other at break and lunch." Said Lucy being as optimistic as possible. She plunges her hand into her pocket and pulls out her phone, leaning it over to me and then hands it to me.
"Why are you giving this to me?" Said Amber.
"I was given a new one and I asked my mum she said yes and my mum called your mum and she said yes, but I asked her to keep it a secret." She handed Amber an iPhone 5s that was completely wiped clear.
"Thank you so much!" Said Amber and hugs Lucy really tightly.
"Anyway, no matter where we are we will always be best friends, right?" Said Lucy staring Amber right in the eye.
"Of course we will." And at that moment the bus pulled into Saint Damien's Secondary School.
"We're here!" Lucy exclaimed and screamed slightly.
"Okay now I'm nervous!" Lucy said whilst leaning over to pick up her bag.
"Same!" Said Amber then Lucy made a counting action to five with her fingers, then when she reached five Amber and Lucy took a deep breath and then after another five seconds of inhaling, ex hailed for five seconds.
"I feel better now." Amber said whilst putting her brand new phone into her bag.
"Good, let's go." They walked down the bus and walked into school.

As they walked into school, there was a large banner that read Welcome, First Year! With a large red arrow pointing to the assembly hall.
"I'm guessing that's where we're supposed to go." Said Amber with a nervous/excited smile.
"Yep! Come on we need to get a seat, this is supposed to be the biggest first year yet! Come on!" She grabbed Amber's wrist and pulled her to the hall. It was already packed.
"Kate!" Amber says pointing to the far left corner, they both speed up their pace as they realise that she has saved two seats with her bag and coat.
"Thanks babe!" Said Amber tapping Kate's shoulder.
"Any time! And besides, I wasn't having total stranger sitting next to me! Ew socialism!" We all laugh and sit down as the head teacher was just about to speak, they could tell that he was the head teacher by the suit and bald head.
"Good morning, everyone! My name is Mister Adams and I am your head teacher of Saint Damien's and I am going to tell you a little..." They all zoned out, Amber was thinking about her new phone, Lucy was thinking aabout what subjects she will have that day and Kate was staring at a cute boy two rows infront.
"... And now you will be put into your classes!" Says Mister Adams waking us all up from our day dreams.
"Now let's start with 1A!
Kieran Cole,
Ryan Christie..." The list went on and on until we reached 1G
"Kate Arthur," (Bla, bla, bla)
"Amber McLean,
Lucy Morrison..."
We all stood up and made our way towards a forming line at the door.
"Now 1G your will be taken to your classes by Brooke and Louise McLean."
Lucy and Kate nudge Amber's arm, she looks up and see her two older cousins standing there, they wave and she waves back.
"Now, you may leave to go to your classes!" Says Mr. Adams. We all look at our timetables 'Monday Period One~ English' English...
"Brooke, Louise? Who is Mrs Andrews?" Amber asks.
"Only the nicest teacher ever!" Exclaimed Brooke, then Louise agreed.
"Well, this will be our life for a year now." Said Kate.
"We're actually in high school now." Said Lucy.
"I wonder what this will have in store for us..." Said Amber smiling.

This is the first part and there are many to come, you will be notified when I publish the next part. ~Keira

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