Always The New Girl

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So here goes another move.. Yay.. I have been moving for 2 years now with my family because my dad keeps finding new jobs that will bring us 'more' money. I hate being the new girl, everyone just stares at me like I'm a alien that came to suck their brains.

"Annabelle..." mom says shaking me out of my trance.

I take my headphones out "Huh? What?" I ask turning my head to look at my moms eyes filled with exhaustion and hope.

"We are here!" she smiles at me

I sigh and look out of the car window, at a older home that looks like that has been taken care of pretty well. It had small calums that is attached to a porch and holding up a small roof that covers the porch. It was a plain white house with four windows in the front, two look for possibly two bedrooms that wasn't that big. The other two was obviously for a livingroom because they was decently big.

I step out of the car with my bookbag full of stuff to decorate my room. I walk up to the wooden door that has no windows on it. I look over as I watch my dad pick up one the heavy boxes, trying to be strong when he isn't, as my mom grabs a light weight box and walking her way to me with the key for the door.

She sets the box down then unlocks the door, swinging the door open. I let my mom go in first, by that time my dad finally made his way to the door but I walk in before him. I look around, the walls are a plain white as well, and it's two stories so I walk upstairs. As I do the stairs creek, I finally reach the top. I walk all the way down the hallway, finding the bathroom and finding a perfect room, it wasn't to small but not to big, there was a small window that was facing the woods that are behind us, even a walk in closet!

My mom comes upstairs, yelling my name "Annabelle!"

I peek my head out of the door "in here"

She smirks "Already found your room, I see" she says walking to me, walking into the room and look around, nodding her head

"I did" I smile, taking another glance.

"Okay well come and help with the boxes" she says walking out of the room as I follow her.

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