change chapter 4

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Sarah sat at home in the dark debating the benefits of finding a new bar. It'd been far too packed tonight and the noise had been unbearable. She'd sat in that corner for hours slowly drinking herself to comfort but to be truthfull she'd been on edge all night. Way too many people had taken notice of her tonight, sure they only nodded politely but she worked to stay out of the sight and so many people seeing her had annoyed her.

Climbing out of bed she paced back and forth around her flat shivering in the cold. She hadn't had heating in over a year now and it was starting to turn to winter. She didn't mind cold weather, infact she prefered it  to heat but not when it made her feet turn blue. Snarling she glared at her phone, she'd contacted her landlord pleanty of times about the problem but he never gave her an answer when she needed one.


The next day Sarah woke to someone constantly ringing her door bell. Groaning she rolled over and climbed out of bed. Sticking her head out the window she glared down at the tall lad that stood at her front door.

"What?" she grumbled at him.

"You're expected at your sisters today," he grinned at her.

"I already told her I'm busy." In truth she just didn't like family gatherings, becides, her mother would be there. Laughing the lad grinned at her.

"Since when does anyone pay attention to your sour mood swings?" Muttering under her breath Sarah went down to open the door for him reluctantly.

"Remind me again why i let you force me into this?" she asked him.

"Cause you love your baby sister," he laughed and followed up the stairs. Shaking her head she disapeared into her room and changed into jeans and a baggy top.

"The dress," he called through the door.

"Not a chance," she snarled at him through the door. She heard him chuckle on the other side of the door and she threw it opened glaring at him.

"I'm not going and thats final," she snarled at him. For an insane moment she'd debated it but someone had flicked the light back on for her and she shook the stupid idea from her mind. She wasn't like the rest of her family, they'd made that clear and she wasn't going to rub salt in the wound. Turfing the lad from her flat she tossed the dress her sister had sent at him and closed the door in his face. Snarling she climbed the stairs and went back to bed.

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