I'm Maid To Five Vampires And They All Want ME?! Part 25

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Chapter 25:


I do a double take at her words, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"I second that!"

"I third it!"

I glance back at Nick and Jack who have returned.

Molly is blushing furiously, "Oh uh...what's wrong? What happened to me by the way?"

Nick sighs, "You were hit by a car. You had some bleeding, but you're alright now except for the fact you actually believe you're engaged to Silas and you can't remember us or your family." He frowns, "God. We should sell our story to some soap opera company. I feel like I'm on the Young and The Restless...or Shortland Street."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Shortland Street?" I've never heard of it before...

"It's some Kiwi program..." he mutters.

Jack bursts out laughing and Nick glares at him, "What?! Yvonne and Ben are meant to be! TANIA IS A BITCH!" he yells.

Molly bites her lip, "You mean I'm not engaged to Silas?"

Jack shakes his head, "No. No you're not. In fact, you hate him." He explains.

"I find that hard to believe. Why would I hate him? We've been together for years."

I refrain from my own laughter at this situation. Had it been anyone else, it would have been hilarious...but it's not anyone else, so it's not quite as funny, "Molly, how did you and Silas meet?"

She smiles nostalgically, "Oh in high school. I was fifteen and he was seventeen and I was getting bullied by some older guys and he swooped in and saved me."

Okay. That part is not made up. It DID happen when we went to high school when she was fifteen...only after he swooped in and saved her, he pushed her into a pool of mud and she burst into tears and ran home. They didn't get together and they didn't get engaged.

"Alright and when slash how did he propose?"

Her dreamy smile widens, "He took me to Italy with him and proposed on the balcony of the hotel suite we were staying in during the sunset."


It seems her memories are still there, they're all just...a bit scrambled and have Silas implanted in there as an angel. Not a literal angel...they're evil creatures. Not literally evil, they're really very good, but...it's very hard to win I Spy against an angel.

"Sounds awfully romantic." Nick murmurs.

She nods, "It was."

I glance over at Jack and Nick and they nod at my questioning thoughts.

I send my thoughts out to Griffin and get a quick reply, "Definitely."


"And that is how you're related to royalty."

I stare at her my mouth hanging open.

My eye twitches, "So you had an affair with King Darren's father...had my father...who then had me. Eww! Oh god! My ears! ARE THEY BLEEDING?!?!"

Serenia rolls her eyes, "No they are not and I thought you might be interested to know exactly how you're related to King Bailey."

"But I still don't know. You just gave me a list of all the people you've slept with!"

She shrugs, "So? You're cousins by the way."

I poke my finger down the back of my throat.

I take a sip of my coffee and smile, "So if I'm the king's cousin...does that mean I can make claims on land?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2009 ⏰

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