I'd never forget about you

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"CC. CC. CC. CC. CC. CC!" I heard her say my name over and over. I was perfectly awake, I just didn't want her to be aware of that. I wanted nothing more than to sleep, and to stay asleep. I was sick of everyone on the bus, well everyone but her of course. I liked her too much to be sick of her...yep, I had totally come to terms with the fact that I, CC, like Hail. Although the tour was over, and we were in the same place pretty much.

Me and Hail that is. Not Hail and Andy. Or Hail and Jinxx. No, everything had changed between the bunch of them. Jinxx was now dating Sammi, again. Good luck with that Jinxx. Anyway, he and Hail acted as if they had never had feelings for each other at all. Like all they had ever been were old friends. Sammi and Hail on the other hand, did not get along. Not at all.

Andy and Hail, everything had changed between them as well. They were dating. Here's the bad part to that, and no, it's not because I like her. It's because he's cheated on her multiple times already, and she's aware of it. They're the worse couple I've ever seen. They never want to be around each other, when they are around each other they're arguing, when they're not he's with someone else, she's only dating him to bother Jinxx, and it's working. It's all just a big mess. I wish one of them would just break up with other already. That would make life much happier. Plus now Jake and Ashley are in the middle of all the tension. Jake, being Jinxx and Hail's best friend and Ashley, being Hail and Andy's best friend. I was just the random one completely in love with the girl who didn't love me back, and who I couldn't have. What a happy time.

"I swear to god CC, if you don't wake up." She said in an annoyed tone. She was always annoyed now. I missed the happy and fun Hail. Andy had ruined her. Or maybe it was Jinxx. Or maybe it was both of them. I didn't know, and I didn't care. I just knew no one was happy anymore, and I hated it. "CC!"

"I'm awake holy fuck." I snapped at her while I rolled over and got out of my bunk, walking past her and into the kitchen. I needed coffee. "Why, was it so urgent that I wake up?" I asked after taking a few drinks. "Where is everyone?" I added, noticing how empty and quiet the bus was. It was a nice change from the yelling or the tension. I don't think anyone was on it but us.

"I was bored and lonely and realized that we hadn't done anything in a while and I miss it so I decided to wake you up." She said while nodding. "Jake and Ella are out with Jinxx and Sammi, Ashley's at the bar most likely and who ever knows where Andy is? Probably off with some chick, I don't know." I said with a shrug before walking off towards the lounge. "Video games?" She yelled back to me. I took in a deep breath and walked off in that direction.

"Sure, why not." I muttered while sinking into the big leather couch. "Does it not bother you? Knowing what Andy's up to?" I surprised myself by asking. I had always just stayed out of it, I always thought that was best.

"No." She said, flipping through the game cases with a shrug. "You know, I really don't care about anything to do with Andy anymore. It just beats being alone." She said while turning towards me. "Left 4 Dead?" She asked, holding up the case for the zombie game.

"Sure, I don't care." I said, shrugging quietly. "What if someone else is interested, and they don't do anything about it because they know you're taken by Andy? If you don't want to be with him, and we all know you don't, even him, then why do you stick around?" I asked, picking up a game controller.

"No one else is interested CC." She mumbled while she popped the game into our Xbox. "I probably won't have to really end it with him anyways. Not like I'll see much of you guys. You'll all move on with your rockstar lives and forget about me, just like Jake and Jinxx always did. Andy will too, and that will be that." She muttered as she sat down next to me.

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