Chapter 1-Breakfast

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Rinng...ring. Janie picked up the kitchen phone. It was her boss Nicky. "I wanna talk to you about last night. I know you were outside my office and may have over heard some confusing things. So bring up my breakfast so we can chat before I start taking appointments." Mr. Matheson was quick and to the point. "Oh, and don't forget the coffee. Bring whiskey too, I'm low."

"Right away sir," Janie replied and nervously began to fix his breakfast. "Stay calm, you can do this, Janie" she tried to silently convince herself. She brushed aside a brown lock of hair that had already fallen out of place. Assembling his breakfast, she used the china set and put everything on the silver tray including a freshly bootlegged bottle of whiskey she fetched from the cellar. Then she added a neatly folded napkin and walked the tray upstairs.

Knocking gently at the office door, she heard his mild mannered voice. "Yes, come in. Please, put those things down and have a seat," he said, nodding toward the leather chair. She eyed the magnificent room that was his personal office. Although she'd been in here before, it was always a quick in and out. She never expected to be offered a seat. Be that as it may, she did as she was told and sat down, maintaining her respect towards Mr. Matheson. Janie's heart pounded in her chest, causing her cheeks to flush. Feeling unsure of herself caused her to start picking at the hem of the white apron, on top of her short black maid's dress. "So...,Janie is it? Janie I want to be frank with you." He said, sipping the coffee. "The heated argument you may or may not have heard between my visitors and I, was simply a misunderstanding of sorts, on their part. Some financial dealings and whatnot."

Nicky wasn't as attractive as some other men she'd seen, but he had a certain charisma about him, making him handsome in her eyes. He was a little taller than Janie. His brown hair was sicked back and parted on the side. He wore a nicely tailored, grey pinstripe suit with yellow carnation, to compliment the outfit. She could tell he used expensive cologne. People always seemed drawn to his charm and friendliness, but it could also be that he was a wealthy man. It wasn't uncommon to see him take out his thick golden money clip and start peeling a few hundred bucks to give to someone. He was quite the philanthropist. Matheson had a reputation for hosting the most lavish parties supplied with lots of booze. He ran one of the best Speakeasies on the boardwalk there. Tourists made it a point to stop by, at least some time during their visit.

Nicky lit a cigarette and raised a curious brow at her, like he wanted her to respond to his explanation.

Janie chose her words carefully, cleared her throat, and cooley spoke. "I only heard a loudness, sir, I didn't hear words. I tend to my own affairs and stay out of others', unless you tell me otherwise." She was trembling a little bit and could feel his eyes on her. It was like he was reading her and he liked what he read.

Amused and impressed by her composure, he leaned forward trying to maintain his own. "Well that's good honey. Minding your own business and keeping a lid on things are virtues we should all live by." Nicky couldn't help but be intrigued by her common sensed statement, as well as how attractive she was.

Gazing at her heavenly curves and even the freckles on her beautiful face, he poured two small glasses of fine whiskey. He handed her a glass and she cautiously accepted it. "Here's to a pretty young lady's ability to know her place in our family." Nicky toasted and they tapped their respective glasses together. Upon tasting the robust liquid, Janie coughed and asked, isn't it a little early to be having drinks? At breakfast time and all...."

Nicky threw his head back and laughed, "It's never too early make a deal, Doll. It's not all about feather dusting around here. I know how to start the day off right and bring a smile to a pretty girl's face, such as your own."

How am I doing? Chapter 2 is coming soon... <3

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