An Apology for Depression

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I desperately need you;
But don't get too close.
'Cause then I can't breathe:
It feels like a rope.

A noose 'round my neck
That's more like a leash
Held by depression
Just out of your reach

You can't help me.
Why'd you believe
That I was really "just tired"
And needed to sleep?

My monsters are real:
They told me themselves.
They silence my words
And pleas for your help.

But don't worry 'bout me
I'm doing just fine.
I quite like the demons
That live in my mind.

I'm accustomed to them
And the pain that they cause
When they laugh at my scars
And point out my flaws

They're right, after all
No one wants me.
A girl that's been plagued
By an imagined disease.

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