The Stupid Inevitable Chapter One

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Before you read: you should know that I include swear words now and again... :D

Chap 1 The Stupid Inevitable

"Practice makes perfect, but if no one's perfect, why practice?"



Tristan groaned from where he lay on the floor on his back, after being pummeled by yours truly. I flashed him a smile. I was definitely getting better. If I could knock my big brother off his feet, I was definitely improving.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll deny it," he growled, embarrassed by the fact that he was beaten by his little sister. It made me want to do a silly dance and laugh hysterically like the mental person I was. He had an angry pout pasted on his face and he looked so adorable with his crazy black hair, dark green t-shirt and black jeans. His hand reached up to rub his left side, which I imagined was pulsing from my punch.

"Awww, Tristan's ego has taken a beating! Poor brother," I said, shaking my head in mock pity.

He jumped off the floor without a single sign or grimace of pain and smirked evilly at me. My grin slid off my face and was immediately replaced by a glare. Had he seriously been pretending that he had been hurt by that hit? Would he really go easy on me? Yes, I knew the answer to that. My brother loved me, but he really could be a pain in the ass sometimes. Like now for instance.

"Tristan!" I scowled at him and narrowed my eyes in the most threatening manner I could manage. It must have been a pretty pathetic attempt because he just laughed loudly, reached out a hand and continued to completely mess up my hair, leaving it sticking up in all different directions.

Great, I could just imagine what the top of my head looked like right now. Probably like a herd of squirrels had just frolicked about and had a mad, drunken party in the dark red locks.

It was kind of unfair that everyone in my family was granted with the same beautiful, pitch black hair and royal blue eyes while I got the honor of not only being the only girl of four kids, but I was also stuck with the title of the oddball with uncanny red hair and gray colored eyes. Freaky, but the truth.

"What is it sister dearest?" he said, feigning the innocence that he could in no way actually have. I hated it when people went easy on me. It just meant that I wouldn't know what to improve on because I would go on thinking that I had actually beat one of the boys. Stupid brother of mine. I'd end up insane and in an asylum one day, with the three of them torturing me all the way.

"Shut up, asshole! You let me beat you!" I stepped away from him and placed my hands on my hips.

He gasped, taking his hand off my head and placing it over his heart, dramatically stumbling back a few steps for an added effect.

"How can you say that? Avery, you wound me," he said, clutching at his chest where his heart was, faking a sob.

"I hate you," I grunted, crossing my arms and pouted childishly.

"You love me," he corrected, dropping his theatrics and proudly puffing out his chest like an ape. There was no way I was going to forgive him just yet. I'd make him pay. My pout slowly transformed into an evil, somewhat loony looking smirk as I thought about the various means of payback swirling around in my head at the moment.

Tristan, noticing the change, immediately took a step away from me, watching me. What? He couldn't possibly think that I would do something bad!  Pssh. Who me? No way!

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