Chapter 2

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Penelope was bobbing her head to melodic rock until she locked eyes with her seatmate.

"What are you listening to?" a girl with pigtails asked. Seated beside the aisle, Elysia had no one to talk to. The girl sitting in front her was out of the question since she was glued to her phone.

"Avslöja" She quickly followed up her answer, seeing the asker's confused eyes, "A Nordic metal band. They're from Europe."

Elysia nodded. "In what language do they sing?"

"English, but its their instrumental arrangements that I like." She handed Elysia an earphone when she asked for a listen.

"It's- it's edgy," Elysia commented as she heard the riveting duet of classical string and electric guitar. "Where did you download this?"

Penelope's eyes perked up. It was the first time somebody from her peers appreciated Avslöja's music.

From then on, they had more friendly conversations and often walked home together.

Elysia introduced her anime fandom to Penelope. She would have loved to have her come with her to Animanga conventions if she had only taken a liking for Japanese animation, but, at least they shared a passion for sweet tea and smoothie.

Over their four years of friendship, Penelope shared no secret but her adoration for her sister.

"'Agatha's so good at volleyball.'"

"'My sister's smart!'"

"'I like my sister's smile the most!'"

"'Agatha's cute, isn't she?'"

There were times when Elysia felt alienated from who she considered her best friend. This was mostly the case when the big sister walks home with them. Was I only needed to fill the void of Agatha's temporary absence? Elysia sometimes thought.

"Ne, we'll part in two years," Elysia said to her best friend in one of their sojourns at Kazu-chan's Milk Tea House.

"Yeah," came the cold reply from Penelope, before taking a long sip of her drink.

"I do not know much about you."

Disinterest now laced the cold tone, "What for?" It seemed that the two were back in their first conversation in eighth grade.

"What does your father do for a living?" The warmhearted friend would not let the other girl build another barricade of isolation.

"OFW," the short haired girl answered with a you-know-it-already tone.

"I bet you miss him most of the time. How do you spend your time with him whenever he's in the country?"

"We eat outside once or twice."

"I bet you miss him—"

Penelope cut, her eyebrows furrowed, "No, he's a scumbag. He's spawning in different parts of the world because his pocket allows him to."


"He has a lot of women. I think their numbers are enough to constitute a small brothel."

Elysia did not know what to say but, "That's sad."

"It's not saddening. It's outraging! My only consolation is that he sends enough money for Ate Agatha and me to go to school and get by."

"I'm sorry I forced you to speak about things," the girl with ponytail said after she heard companion's loud, gurgling sip.

"It ruined my mood. I'm going to the pet shop to feel better." Penelope finished her smoothie and headed for the door, which was a couple steps away from their table. Before she pushed it open, she looked at Elysia, "Do you want to come along?"

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