Chapter 13

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Hayden's P.O.V

It's been a few days since she's spoken to me. She hasn't even tried to talk to me, it's like she's in her own little world and nobody else exists. I'm worrying so freaking bad about her but I don't know what to do! I've been sleeping on the couch to give her her space but that's not working. I'm to the point where I'm freaking out. Maybe my mom will know what to do. I should probably talk to her about this, she's a girl, she should know what to do. Right?

Laying on the couch, I was watching a terrible movie while thinking about what to do about Blayz. It's like she went into a depression. I was thinking so much my head hurts. After I let out a groan, Blayz walked through the living room, to the kitchen. Again, she ignored me. I'm getting pretty frustrated with her. I'm her mate, she should be able to talk to me about whatever. What is it that she can't tell me? Was she planning something? I can't let her do that, I can't let her hurt me.

I love this girl so much, but I never thought I would be so frustrated with her. Grabbing my jacket, I headed to the door. I didn't even let her know where I was going, let her worry. Yeah, let her worry about me like I have been worrying about her these past few days. After I slammed the door, pretty hard actually, I went to my car and drove to my mom's house. Unlucky for me, they weren't home. I just sat in the living room for a few minutes, thinking about what to do. Thank goodness I didn't have to wait long since they all walked into the room a few minutes after i arrived. My mm instantly knew something was wrong and sat by me.

"Son, what happened? Is Blayz okay? Is the baby okay?" she asked and I looked at her.

"What baby?" I asked her, kind of freaked out.

"She isn't pregnant yet? Ugh! Come on, boy! Keep up with the love making!" my mom said and slapped me on the back of the head.

"Well I would if she would actually talk to me," I told her, looking down at my hands. "For the past two days she hasn't talked to me or anyone else. It's frustrating me, Mom! I'm getting tired of her not telling me what's wrong! In a few days, we have to go get her family and pack but I can't talk to her about anything!"

"Well, you'll just have to try harder to get her to talk, boy!" my mom told me. Well no shit, Ma! "Ohh! I know how to do that! Make her jealous! It worked for your father when I wouldn't talk to him. Then again, I was just pretending to hate him because...well, because I was stupid. But the point is that if you make her jealous, she will come crawling right to you. So, go do it baby! I got the perfect girl too!" Oh gosh, my mom is excited now. I mean, I'm sure if Blayz was jealous she would tell me what was wrong, so this plan might actually work! Go Mom for thinking!

After our conversation, we met up with one of the girls in our pack that is in high school with me and told her about the plan. She seemed pretty eager to help me. That's probably because she has liked me for a while...I hope she doesn't get attached to me. I'm just doing this for my mate. I really hope it works, though. I arrived at our apartment late that night, excited about the plan. It's pretty much fool proof. Blayz was laying on the couch watching t.v., some stupid show. I just ignored her and walked to the bathroom to shower. Hmm, maybe I'll just spice things up a bit. After a long shower, I lathered on some lotion and walked out with my towel hanging dangerously low. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water, pretending not to see her staring at me. I was actually getting a little excited from the way she was staring at me.

I smirked at her when I walked past her and she glared at me. What the heck?! One minute she wants to take me right there and the next she hates me! Uh, mood swings much? Screw it, two can play her game. Brign it on, babe.

In the morning, Alyssa called me. Alyssa is a Junior at my school and is the one that agreed to help me out. We talked while I got dressed and I caught Blayz glaring at me while we were talking. I kept laughing because she is just so cute when she's angry. We both took different cars to school and people stared at us. Today I decided to dress in my sexier clothes and most of the girls were looking at me like they wanted to eat me. Blayz didn't take that too well. Me and Alyssa were going to meet outside Blayz's classroom before lunch and wait for her to walk out. When she does, our plan goes into action.

I was a little nervous about the plan. Like, what if she beat the shit out of Alyssa? Now that I'm thinking about it, that's sexy. But what if she gets upset? I probably would get on my knees and beg her to tell me what's wrong.

"Here she comes!" Alyssa said and I leaned closer to her, smiling at her. My wolf was really kicking me and yelling at me to get away from her. Where was he these past two days!! He totally just disappeared and wouldn't talk to me when I called for him, stupid wolf. Leaning in closer, I felt like I was going to gag, but kept going and brushed my lips to Alyssa's. From a distance away, I heard someone take shaky breath in and knew it was my mate. I could hear her walking towards us, but she didn't stop like I wanted. She went to the cafeteria and I followed her but as soon as I got to the cafeteria, she was gone. Vanished. Oh crap, what have I done?


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