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a million words to say are lost

from the vain of love that is most

one sided feeling of a woman's broken heart

a broken rhythm to hear seems forever to last

lost in the time of despair

clock is still moving even broken in repair

happiness sure is a worth of fantasy

rather sadness what's there in reality

no words of sayonara as the footsteps walk away

under the blue bright sky wishing to stay

cold tears are falling like fire of laughter's

not looking back just a wave along together

smile and gesture of desired first love is forever gone

anonymous feelings are rumbling wanting to run

hearts' roar is agonizing,hiding, crying desperately

wishing that time could stop immediately

secretly wishing to bid sayonara even in rumbling tune

stories of two are ending so soon

footsteps that forever will be a ghost from the past

a remembrance for a life time, a one shot happiness that didn't last

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