Kaoru Hitachiin

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"It's okay, Hunny. I'm fine. I said really terrible things to Hikaru... But if I don't show him I'm serious, Hikaru won't be able to make his move, right?"

"Haruhi, you're amazing. I like you... Haruhi. But no matter what... Hikaru is still more important to me."

"Hunny, no matter how hard I try... I can't not think about Hikaru. I like Haruhi... But it's more important to me that Hikaru has found somebody he likes and is expanding his world. I already reached that answer a long time ago... But I put it off because I was feeling lonely. I always wanted our close relationship to last forever. I knew the current situation wouldn't satisfy Hikaru, but I pretended anyway. I tried to be an adult, a reasonable person... But in reality, nothing has changed from before. I'm a spoiled, bratty child with lots of contradictions, and I'm still addicted to and dependent on Hikaru. So please... Release me from Hikaru. I want to see Hikaru's smiling face... Not worrying about hurting other people's feelings. I don't care if he stops loving me. Even if he hates me. I want Hikaru to spread his wings freely."

"I don't think we'll be able to be together all the time the way we have been up until now... But I'll always be cheering you on."

"I think it's a good opportunity, Hikaru. I always thought we would have to do this when one of us found someone important. We both need to expand our worlds and have more people know us as individuals. We each need to become independent and be able to get by without the other."

"Hunny, I was wrong!! I didn't trust in Hikaru. But Hikaru is much more mature than I. I thought I had destroyed a lot of things... But everything was okay!!! And... We can still be close!!"

"The one not me is Hikaru, and the one not Hikaru is me. We are seperate individuals. But we are strongly bonded together. Even if each of us develops something important for himself... And even if the day comes when, by our own free will, our branches split and diverge... We will continue to influence each other... And we will continue to grow, using everything we share as nutrients. And one day... We, who were born from one egg... Will bloom as two grand flowers."

"Feelings you have for each other will not be known unless you voice them."

"Do you realize what's happened, Hikaru? Until now, there were only two groups of people: us and everyone else. But for the first time, someone's crossed into our world."

"One day Hikaru will realize he wants to take the next step on his own... When that happens, I don't know what I'll do."

"I guess you could say Hikaru's immature. He lets his emotions take over see, I'm not sure he's even aware of it, but I can tell that he cares about Haruhi. He just doesn't know how to react so his emotions run wild. He's selfish and wants all of her attention. He wants to be acknowledged by her but doesn't know how to make that happen. If you want true friends, friends who aren't only your toys, you have to learn to respect them. That's the only way you can have a meaningful relationship. And I think it's about time that Hikaru learned that lesson himself."

"I'm sorry, but who's Mama?"

"Because Mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy."

"Grown-ups are so tiresome. They fake their smiles all day long and they try to force us to do the same. It's no fun at all."

"We always have the same tastes, we always like the same thing. It would have been good if there were two... Exactly the same, like these two cans of fruit juice... But what do we do when there's only one and we both want it?"

"I'm sorry. Today is the last day... Today will be the last day... So please hold my hand."

"Well... I know now there is no chemistry between us at all. I confirmed that. Thanks for putting up with me. I'm going to go see Hikaru now."

"I've broken a lot of things. I don't think everything can go back to the way it was before."

"Haruhi rejected me. So Hikaru, from now on, I wish you good luck."

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