Chase, part 2

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T'Challa's POV:

I know she's scared. I'd never admit it, but I am too.

I fear that I'll lose her trying to catch Barnes.
I fear I won't catch Barnes, or that there's some sort of history between the two of them that she doesn't seem to remember, but he'll make her. The way that she ran after him, she knew him. She just didn't know it, as conflicting as that sounds.

Maybe it's the way she won't listen(obey) me that I find so attractive about her. She's not like so many women I've met, and is nothing like the Dora Miljae. She's nothing like me- and that's what makes us so alike. She is independent, even as she pries her hand out of mine as we run. Her pain- that lost year of her life- only HYDRA knows what she did in that lost year- whom she had to kill, the destruction and torture she must've been used as an instrument of. Maybe she didn't have the memories blocked, but maybe the pain of the memories are so severe, she has shut it up in part of her mind, like a cold tomb, to keep them there, so that they cannot haunt her. She is like a ghost, I can only imagine the kind of terror I would feel if I were untrained and without my own powers. There's only so much I can 'know' . So much of my confidence comes from learned knowledge- but can one truly know something until they've gone through it for themselves? Can one truly love another until they suffer with them through their deepest pain?

I know I'm losing her, which only amplifies my pain. I want to get to know her better, maybe even marry her- I don't care what my people think- I will do as I please, no one can tell me otherwise-

See? We are alike, she and I. I cannot command or control her, and she cannot control me.

But she can command-so long as I don't lose her.


(wasn't that great? sorry that it's so short. He'll have a few more parts in the future. Anyways, I realize that I still have the Bucky chase scene mixed up- and I guess it did take place in Berlin. Again, sorry,but I literally saw CW a month ago and theaters stopped having showings since. So forgive me in all of this mess for locations and such, and this probably backwards chase scene- i'm doing my best)

Berlin, Germany.

The chase for Barnes was more heated than ever. We were going to find him even if it meant taking down half of Berlin while we were at it. After I wrenched my hand free from T'Challa's grasp, we kept running after Barnes.

Only to find that the dude had a Harley-Davidson (?!!) hidden up his sleeve or tucked in his pocket, and was roaring off on it. He was making good time, too, before T'Challa leapt from vehicle to vehicle in an overpass until he took Barnes down, sending his bike sliding across the asphalt. Oh, and a couple of German special forces cars got thrown and blown up when Steve and Sam showed up, chasing after T'Challa and me, chasing after Barnes. And where the hell was Tony in all of this? Only God knew, though Tony had his moments when I'm convinced he thinks he is God...

So Steve was running toward me, and Sam was somewhere between flying and running, like he would land om top of me at any second. I didn't push them away, not sure if we were working together anymore or if we weren't, and believe me, you have no idea how awkward that is when you are trying to fight and run at the same time.

The answer came when Steve tried to grab me, and T'Challa, seemingly forgetting all about Barnes, lunged at Steve. It got real ugly real fast, and Sam yelling at me over the noise-

while Barnes came back and tried to run off with me. I was starting to feel like some shiny object that crows fight over- and T'Challa was probably feeling like a kitty that got dumped in a bathtub. Everyone was angry, no one was happy, it was all very sad and mad. I wish I could insert emojis here to describe the action,but it's pointless. The whole damn thing was pointless.

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